
He had a gun taped to his hand.

Ah, I didn't get anything from her reactions other than that she was disappointed she couldn't publish what she had on Oliver, haha.

Just curious - why do you think she has sincere feelings for Oliver? She's been pursuing him ever since her introduction, and hasn't ever stopped - and she indicated tonight that she was still planning on running her story before Thea destroyed that possibility. She didn't even come clean about the info she had on him

I wrote this upthread, but if the show wanted us to be on Susan's side here, why have her be upset that she couldn't run the information she had because she was discredited in her fight with Oliver in his office? That indicates she was still intending on running her piece, which indicates that her relationship with

Yeah, I don't think that Susan deserved to have her career ruined over this, but Thea was clear that was an unintended consequence of what she was trying to do, which was discredit the information that Susan had on her brother that would reveal his secret. A secret that has been so important to keep over the past 4

For a second I thought, 'noodles?'

I love that Oliver had zero reaction to finding out that Susan had all of this information on him and even after knowing that she was digging up dirt on him without his knowledge he's still convinced for whatever reason that she wouldn't have reported on it - even after she said she would in their fight in his office.

Didn't he say the whole "No one can know my secret" right before he snapped the dude's neck? Seems like a pretty big factor, especially given that he let another dude who was way worse and knew the same secret - Tobias Church - live just a few episodes later.

What are you talking about? What does Malone have to do with anything I wrote?

I mean, she didn't sleep with him to get a story - she slept with him, and then she coincidentally discovered that there was a story. What was she supposed to do?

I think this would play better if the killing hadn't been so plot-dependent in previous seasons. He had a no-kill rule, except for The Count, and Ra's, and Damien Darhk. He's back to full-time killing now although the reasoning for that was stupid and wrong-since he lamented that if he'd been more willing to kill

Oh man. If Oliver's in love I'm gonna need someone who writes this show to explain how? When? Why?

Like Buster Bluth.

Plus, he so wanted to be mayor last season. It's really disappointing that he's so awful at it. Like…why can't he be good at something that isn't archery or being stupid.

Were there even two? I thought Dinah was the only one, haha.

At this point I'm really not sure?

Also, I love that Prometheus's mom did not give a SHIT that he was out murdering people, she just did not want her baby behind bars!

At least her password wasn't password!

But she was investigating him before she knew he was a captain in the Russian mob!

Yeah, I mean he pretty much has to be right about her at this point? Or be playing her in some larger long con. Otherwise he just looks like a moron.