
It would be all right if the person who did the murdering wasn't judging the person who did something far less terrible to keep the same secret, haha.

Yeah. They TRY to make it make some sense with his occasional "It's too late for me, but it's not too late for you!" but it's just preachy and hypocritical.

Maybe he gets impeached and THEN murdered. A Star City first!

Yeah, I'm not sure how we're supposed to feel about Susan either. They repeatedly anviled everything she did as SHADY SHADY SHADY, and in the end it seemed like we were supposed to sympathize with her because she was just a reporter following a story?

I miss her too. She was the best.

So, on Oliver's "badness" scale, killing a dude to keep his secret like he did in October - not a thing worth thinking twice about - but Thea destroying the career of the girlfriend who admitted regret that she couldn't out him because no one would take her seriously is not okay.

They aren't trying to make Dinah original - she's an amalgamation of all the Lances that came before her (even Quentin, the cop).

I think that's because it's coming at a price that Helix (or whatever the shady hacker group who gave to to Felicity was called) hasn't asked her to pay yet.

True - I've just never seen him being this blatantly moronic before? Previously he was stupid in a self-sacrificing, I-don't-deserve-better kind of way, or at least had someone supporting his idiocy (like Thea last season with that idiotic lie about his kid). Now it's like…he has every reason to believe that dating

Thanks for the recap - I had a vague recollection of the episode and recalled it involving more than just the gun buyback - and having something to do with them tracking underground/illegal gun sales through….whatever that guy's name was. The Mayor, I think? Anyway, doesn't matter.

It didn't get flashpointed- we saw Felicity shirtless earlier this season and she had scars all over her back. But I wish they'd never done that storyline at this point too.

They did kind of address the issue before didn't they? In Season 2, didn't Oliver sponsor a gun buyback or something that put him in contention with Blood over Oliver's attempt to help people in the Glades? IIRC that episode - which wasn't even a Very Special Episode - took more of a stand than this one did.

True, but then they shouldn't have framed the episode in the context of a mass shooting at City Hall, where the main character is the mayor and was actually expected to come up with some kind of resolution, no matter how small.

I realize that no one is addressing it most likely because it WILL be addressed at a later date, but the pieces aren't in place for that yet. But seriously all they'd have to do is mention looking for her or something? It's all or nothing here, like when Oliver wanted to break Diggle out of jail and Felicity was

I'm honestly not sure what we're supposed to make of Susan.

Yeah, they seem shockingly unconcerned about this kid with a grudge who knows all of their secret identities. At this point I expect Oliver to be eat-rocks-for-breakfast stupid, but does no one else care? Yikes.

Kudos to the show for making Oliver-my fave these past 4 1/2 years-so stupid that I actually want his shady girlfriend to ruin his idiotic life.

ETA: Never mind.

I think gross is a perfectly fine discriptor considering the why and how this Dinah came to be on the team. Oliver sought her out to fulfill Laurel's dying wish, as someone who was worthy to live up to her legacy. In-show she was compared to Laurel only better - better in hand-to-hand combat, better in control of her

I'm not trying to talk you out of wanting it, just commenting that I personally find it to be gross, but then again I don't see any romantic chemistry there either. And yes, banging Susan is gross and dumb.