
Yes, that's the point.

But the fuselage got better light and had an amazing cross breeze!

But I predict Ollie Jr.'s mom really is dead, and the kid is now a full-time player.

Allegedly coming back next season.

Yeah, he did voiceover work for the scenes where Slade had the mask on - Manu hadn't arrived on set yet when they were filming those scenes.

Chase's twin brother, who's only 5 steps ahead of Oliver (this time he actually knows what game they're playing).

Fingers crossed Evelyn did.

This ep would've been really great if I cared at all about Oliver's kid.

Yeah, I hated the William storyline, because it was about Oliver telling a lie, not being a father. And part of that is okay because I don't *want* Oliver being a father. I do understand that yes, the kid is important to Oliver and I don't begrudge him his panic. But the kid isn't important to me as a viewer, because

Enjoyed the episode, although I need more than 2 seconds of on-screen bonding time before we go down the "He's my boy!" route. And if that kid's gonna stick around, I really need the show to stop making him kidnap bait.

If he doesn't, someone really really really needs to teach him about stranger danger. This is the second time he's fallen for a "friend of your mother/father" line. I know there isn't anything he can do against Chase, but I would appreciate him like…just trying to run away instead of basically being a dumbass.


Everyone around Felicity is attributing this to Billy's death, but Felicity never did. Just based on what they're showing and what she herself is saying, it seems to me her motivation has more to do with what Prometheus is doing to Oliver than it has to do anything with Billy (starting with tricking Oliver into

She didn't throw a "party" for Laurel for the sake of partying, but because she was suspicious of her - that's how she got her DNA to figure out that she wasn't really the Laurel they knew.

I just went back and rewatched. ARGUS and the team went to an arcade in New Jersey to find Chase, but it was a bust. Felicity told Alena that the information that Chase was in New Jersey came from an ARGUS drone that was then pinged to an unsecured cellphone - which belonged to the dead ARGUS agent. Alena suggested

I don't recall ever seeing her being needy, but she's always been Oliver's harshest critic. From the very first time they brought her into the lair for her first mission.


He wasn't working with Chase - he was an ARGUS agent who had one of the keys Alena needed to use in order to get Caden James out of custody.

I'd argue that Oliver and the team knowingly put themselves in danger to stop her from doing what she told them she was going to do.

I'm imagining a lot of, "Did you try restarting it?"