
I really really hope they don't have him banging yet another Canary. 3 for 3 would be pretty gross.


I thought it was dumb when Oliver dated her before he knew she was writing a story on the guy he murdered a few weeks ago. Now it's off-the-charts stupid.

Good point. I'll take a timeline where Oliver isn't a close second.

I'd like Barry to take me to a timeline where Oliver isn't the dumbest person alive.

She's probably off in Russia doing something shady that they're going to repeatedly anvil us with the next time she shows up (which I believe is next week).

Back when Oliver was training the newbies, Felicity told him that they couldn't trust someone they didn't know, and she encouraged him to reveal himself, so I *think* that was a callback to that, but the newbies had already committed to working with him, and Oliver was relentlessly chasing this woman who kept turning

Yeah, I realize they were just shuttled off so that the new people could take center stage - but it seems like the new people have been taking center stage for a while now, and at this point I'm kind of tired of them.

She had a contract with Arrow - any side projects she worked on would've had to have been scheduled around that. There wouldn't have been a schedule clash, and if there was, she'd have had to drop the side projects.


Given that Evelyn betrayed them to Prometheus in the MSF, and Prometheus infiltrated the team with E2Laurel in this ep, it seems especially stupid for Oliver to decide that he needs to fulfill Laurel's dying wish at this point in time. It's also irritatingly convenient that this person just happens to have the Canary

It's rude behavior, certainly. But there's a world of difference between "I hope your character dies," and "I hope you die."

Earth 2 Laurel is my preferred explanation. We know of her existence, it doesn't require any convoluted plotting for her to have escaped from her meta prison (or to explain away her never being in there at all thanks to Flashpoint), and at this point I think the most interesting storyline they could do with her is

Excellent troll job, making their hero look like a moron by sleeping with a woman that is digging up dirt on his past unbeknownst to him, and trusting her despite being warned off of it several times.

Not that I necessarily expect this show to follow its own canon at all - but my point about Sara still stands - they spent a few episodes showing that using the Lazarus Pit to bring back a dead person = bad, had to have Constantine come in and go on a supernatural journey to rescue Sara's soul, and then went so far as

The Oliver/Diggle hug got me too. But I thought it was unbelievably shitty that everyone rushed to comfort Oliver instead of Felicity - who was the person who actually lost someone (bland though he was). At least Thea was thoughtful enough to give her a hug. Oh how far you've come, Thea!

Yeah, she does have a pic of him in Russia. I just thought it was weird-she mentioned the twitter fight in front of him, grabbed the Russian vodka to serve him. Can't figure out if those are anvils for us, or if she thinks he's more observant than he actually is and is trying to get him to slip up about Russia.

Hopefully they figure out what's up with this new Laurel before they go introducing her to him. A second daughter back from the dead arc probably isn't good for him straight out of rehab.

I'm not sure how involved Guggenheim is, honestly. I do know that he and Wendy both pitched season 4 to Greg Berlanti, so they were both responsible for that mess, and they both seem equally involved on the writing front this year so far. I think last year was Wendy's first as EP (although I don't know if she has

So far Susan has mentioned getting in a Twitter war with a Russian journalist, and she had a bottle of Russian vodka in this ep. Surely there's a reason for this, like…is she involved with the Bratva? But then that doesn't make sense because she hired a PI to dig up dirt on Oliver and seemed surprised that he wasn't