
I agree. It's become tedious for me to watch him when he gets any screen time. I don't get how he's even relevant and things always seem to work out for him somehow. it's time for him to go.

If you say so.

To each his own.

I agree they left it ambiguous but if he spent the night with him after that fight, I'm assuming he's going to give it some more time before he makes any decisions. Breaking up with him now would be as rash as moving in as quickly as he did. I believe they are still together but the Richie window has just been opened

I'm sure Richie can tell the distress Patrick is in from his face alone and doesn't want to press for anything. The talk will happen but IF we don't get a third season we'll just have to assume it did.

If it is, I've kinda accepted it.

I don't know why people still romanticise the interactions between Patrick and Richie. The period after a breakup is always awkward and tense and it always seems like something might be lingering. This is even more apparent considering the circumstances around their breakup. They've already voiced a desire to be in

Nobody said that.

Patrick has barely listened to anything Augustin has had to say about his relationship this season but I think Patrick might make a plan as to how to handle Augustin in the next episode.

As soon as I find out what makes Kevin and Patrick interesting.

Watch the episode again and notice the context in which he asks Richie to go with him. Consider the dialogue between them. Notice Patrick's pause and watch the wheels turning as he considers a way to placate him. That's what I mean by he had no intention of taking him along.

I don't think Patrick belongs with Richie either but to look at their relationship and see perfect is amazing to me. Considering all the race, class and cultural issues presented from the very first time they met, you can't possibly see perfection. Richie has been described as judgemental, stubborn and proud to a

Lets just agree to disagree.

Again I'll mention that they've been friends for more than 8 years and if consideration is made for anything, it should be for that reason alone. Plus,he threw shade at everyone he knew at that party before he was stopped so yes in that episode he WAS a shitty human being.

I'm talking about him making a rash decision without talking to anyone beforehand especially his friend of more than 8 years. Like someone mentioned earlier, they've drifted this season and have barely had any conversations at all. Patrick has been called everything in the book and yet when I mention his insensitivity

How can Patrick just move out when a few episodes ago he called out Augustin for not paying the rent? Where is Augustin going to go?

Considering Dana's comment to Megan, I don't think the affair has been that long.

His invitation was a replacement for an apology he should have made to Richie. Richie was upset with him because of what happened at Dom's party and Patrick was looking for a way to prove to Richie that he wasn't ashamed of him. That invitation was bullshit. He had no intention of taking him along.

I still don't agree either way. Everyone has exhibited some undesirable characteristics but it seems people are more hard on Richie because they believe he has been portrayed as sanctimonious. Patrick's neurotic behaviour is unbearable for me considering he's 29 and has been living in San Francisco for the last 8

Why do people want Patrick and Richie together? What do they have to offer each other? What ensures that they've realised the mistakes from their first attempt at a relationship? What makes them good together? It would be contrived to put them back together since no effort has been to made to re-establish them as