
So true. I don't get it. If he's understanding, he's being saintly. If he shares his opinions, he's being judgemental. If he shows any kind of human weakness, he's an asshole. He can't win for losing.

When did being blatantly honest translate into douche? I agree he doesn't need to share his opinions all the time and those comments to Brady about Patrick were not right but if everyone is afforded some understanding for their behaviours on this show then why can't he? It reminds me of a scene in Brothers and Sisters

I actually came to this realisation yesterday when I decided to watch the episode again. It was a good song choice as it drives the plot and heightens people's emotions regardless of whoever they're rooting for.

Most of the people who call him saintly mean it as an insult more than a compliment. I don't know how anyone would come to that conclusion anyway.