
That's a fair point, and I think you and I completely agree that the guy who wrote this letter sounds like a bitter creep.

Oh sure, I don't think that qualifies you for sainthood or anything like that. But I don't think that "nice" always mean "unconditional." Buying flowers for your wife is a nice thing to do, even if you're hoping that it gets you laid.

Sure, no question that if you've been friends with someone for years without any kind of sexual contact it's unreasonable to think that buying your friend dinner or a movie or a vacation is going to make her want to have sex with you. I also wholeheartedly agree that the idea that ANYTHING obligates a woman to have

What's wrong with doing nice things for a woman with the hope that it will lead to a relationship, exactly? It seems to me that doing nice things for someone is something that many people do to signal interest. It may not be the most direct or aggressive way to signal interest, but I don't think there's anything

I.e. "nice" equals "willing to be pleasant to you even though you haven't fucked me however I still expect you to fuck me in the future"

It's that Richard Lewis sex appeal

My advice would be to give him the boot.

By that standard pretty much no guy ever has been "nice." Every guy who takes a woman out on a date is buying her things with the hope that said woman will have sex with him.

I think your point about getting a woman off being an ego thing for some men is spot-on. There is a definite idea among a lot of men that if they are just "good enough" at fucking their partner they should be able to bring her to orgasm every time. They're worried that they're falling short of the straight guy

But maybe she's not "closing him out" at all. Maybe she just needs to focus in order to get off.

Right? Also his default assumption is that if her eyes are closed that must mean she's fantasizing about something. Some people just close their eyes during sex, period. In my experience men tend to be a lot more visual than women in that department.

The dick/pussy wants what it wants. Why is it OK to say "I'm not attracted to redheads" or "I'm not attracted to people with a certain body type" but not OK to say "I'm not attracted to transgender people"? The only "superiority" that's implied is the superior ability to make your dick hard/pussy wet.

He got them from Tim Meadows

Because this one is on a motherfucking BOAT

The second one got bogged down for the same reason this one did: the need to insert a bunch of bullshit convoluted backstory, which has improved approximately 0 horror movies ever. Instead of 15 minutes of dialogue telling me why are zombies just show me the zombies eating people's faces off.

…and it's all resolved when we find out SOA WAS WORKING FOR THE ATF THE WHOLE TIME

…and the utter lack of any motive for the Chinese to murder Tara.

But none of that is traceable to Jax. I'm sure that on paper he just looks like a mechanic with a modest income. Although he is definitely a convicted felon at this point…

That's what I keep hoping, considering the Shield had my favorite series ending of all time. If Sutter can actually stick the landing here the show will be remembered well.

What else is on my mind-rapes?