

My money is on Nero as the guy who sold out the club to the Chinese. It makes perfect sense since they threatened his kid. There's no way it was the SamCro member Jax killed.

I'm just bummed we won't get any more angry dad Van Alden, which as we all know is the best Van Alden there is.

Sure I'll admit a lot of the breathless "Lena Dunham is the greatest ever" coverage induces some backlash. But I honestly tried to like Girls and expected I would since I've enjoyed most Apatow productions. The show simply isn't very good, which wouldn't be irksome if it didn't seem to think that it's quite a bit

I still can't stand Lena Dunham. It has absolutely nothing to do with her body type or promiscuity, and everything to do with her pretentiousness and self-involvement. "Let's all take a moment and contemplate the wonder of ME!" If this is the voice of my generation I can't stand my generation.

NNP ought to DTMFA simply for referring to herself as "post-mononormative," unless he has an unbearable pretentiousness fetish.

I completely agree, I think this season has easily been the best one so far, it's reminding me of 30 Rock at the height of its powers.

So am I the only one who thinks Barosky is working some angle on Jax? The fact that he shot that guy so quickly right after he was promising to talk suggests that he didn't want the guy giving him away.

I agree. It's a great song but one of my least favorite Otis Redding songs.

What jurisdiction still uses contributory negligence?

Dearest Nudeador,

Dear Nudeador Viking the Third:

Fair enough, and as a sex worker I would imagine this woman views hanging out with someone they had some kind of sexual contact with a lot more casually than your typical person on the street. Communication is always key.

Fair enough, the fact that they aren't married is definitely important and obviously changes what they can request and expect from one another. Although a year-and-a-half long term relationship does seem to be a bit more committed than somebody you are casually dating and/or fucking.

You raise a good point in that it comes down to trust, and obviously my perspective is colored here by the fact that I'm married, which means that the answer is always "figure out a way to compromise and make it work" instead of "DTMFA."

Likewise. To your point, I do think that a shared meal between two people in many cases does constitute an act of courtship, although it is not an act of courtship in all cases. How many dates start with two people sharing a meal? It's not necessarily a date, but I think it's date-ish enough to warrant a mention to

You raise a good point. I had some issues with my wife's (more extensive) sexual history when we first got together and I was a 22 year old shithead. She knew about that and made it a point not to bring it up. But eventually I found that talking about her past with her pretty much eliminated those concerns. In

Fair enough. I've been married for awhile so I'm in a relationship where nobody can claim "I had no idea you would get upset." I just think that at least a raised eyebrow is a pretty common reaction to "I was hanging out with my ex solo and didn't tell you about it beforehand," and can reasonably be anticipated.

Sure, but if you get into a relationship with someone who has hangups and comfort issues, then you should give a shit about how your partner feels. Everybody in a relationship has to deal with an imperfect person whose reactions and emotions aren't always going to fit our perfect ideal.

I view at as just giving a shit about your SO's feelings. Jealousy of an ex is not some rare condition that afflicts only the most controlling and abusive of people—it's something that's near-universal (some people are just much better at dealing with it than others). If you're an empathetic person who thinks about