Is there any news on the front of a Community movie? Or has Sony also bankrupted itself with season six?
Is there any news on the front of a Community movie? Or has Sony also bankrupted itself with season six?
I would like a season three if only to see where this whole "self-reinvention thing" could be going that Soderbergh keeps talking about.
I never quit a show due to a beloved character's death, either. But I remember getting pretty close after that notorious Red Wedding on Game of Thrones: That whole thing left me so utterly depressed I was seriously questioning myself and whether or not I should continue watching this show. It wasn't because they…
Like I said: I didn't even realize I was suddenly addicted to it. I fully understand anyone who tells me they were bored to death during the first couple of episodes. And while I never thought this show to be bad I certainly wasn't super eager to binge the whole thing in one swoop. The A.V. Club review of one of the…
Yeah, it takes its sweet time with setting stuff up. It's getting tighter towards the end of the season, though and before you know it you're on a fucking rollercoaster. I just loved how all the pieces, one by one, fell into the right place and how consequential the writers were - no empty promises, no red herrings,…
Oh, apparently they'll even keep him in main cast.
Fuck this. Where's Bloodline?
Well, I don't look at the world through that lense.
If you think that what I said was aggressive and rude I'm seriously wondering who's the sensitive one here. Yikes, a comment war? I don't know what gave you that impression but never mind. Have a good one then, I never intented push your buttons like that. lol
But like I said before I blame the writing more than I can blame Leo for that, simply because all there was to Hugh Glass - and yes, I had to look the name up - was his thirst for revenge and the almost super-human strength he developed to get through all the excrutiating agony that he had to endure. And I do take…
Are you fucking kidding me? No, it's not tough on me - I love talking about movies and tv shows and enjoy having arguments with people who have different opinions on something. But you obviously don't so why you go through the trouble and post on any site at all is quite frankly beyond me (I'm saying that because you…
No, of course not. But a superb method actor like Dicaprio can only profit from actually feeling discomfort rather than just playing it. My guess is that doing this movie outdoors rather than in a warm studio in front of a green screen all but elevated his performance.
Tell that to Peter O'Toole. Or, wait… never mind, he's dead now.
Patty Duke beat them all to it.
It's better this way. Look at Anna Paquin: She won at age 11 and ended up doing fucking True Blood.
Next stop: Beetle Juice sequel.
Didn't Hitchcock do something similar when they gave him some lifetime achievement award?
Whenever some actor/director gets his long over-due win for something recent the naysayers always play the pitty-oscar-card. It's tiring. What about Leo's performance makes it his least worthy one? The character itself may not have been the most interesting part in The Revenant (I thought Tom Hardy was way better…
I thought you said Tobe Hooper and was actually about to look up Texas Chainsaw Massacre and its Oscar wins on imdb.
Now that's not fair. I vaguely remember a black guy being in The Martian!