
I just read that in the voice of Troy McClure out loud. Or rather in Brannigan's voice. Which is the same thing, basically.

It usually still gets a couple of laughs out of me per episode. And the actors are as good, if not better, as they've ever been. What's mostly a mess is the plotting. The number of episodes with a coherent story structure are scarce. I feel like they've gotten better at it again during the last season, but the one

May I add Treme to the list?

I'm watching it for the first time right now. And while I don't think he's a great character (and Finn Jones is only passable as an actor) I never thought he was actually unlikable. Sure, everything he does is usually only initiated by happestance and in an attempt to portray him as a sympathetic 'man of the people'

That's a good casting choice.

I'm weirdly fascinated by him, as well. I mean, I can't quite figure out if he's a good actor or a bad one (that scene where he stabs his dad was sort of hilarious in an unintended way), but I'm definitely looking forward to every scene he's in.

Spoilers aren't a problem. You think fewer people will watch the episode because they already know what's going to happen?

I can relate.

Janey-E is fucking Diane's sister?

There's no one who's willing to go see this movie. I'm not sure even I am. But damn, I read all seven of them (and am currently on the surprisingly good Winds through the Keyhole) and now I wanna see how badly they fucked this up.

Poor Kathy. I mean, she looks utterly fitting for the part. But dear jeebus, does this sound like hacky writing or what?

Patrick Fischler's over-abundance of eyebrows should balance that out, though. Right?

I'm usually not someone to give up on shows, but I'm pretty sure that I'm ready to give this one a pass. I tried for two seasons, mainly because I wanted to see what everyone else was apparently seeing. But I've come to the realization that this is just not my cup of tea.

It's always amazing to me how they come up with these presumptions that 'such and such is box office poison'. David Cross once told a pretty funny story how one of the fox people said he couldn't wear a mustache on AD because mustaches don't work in comedies or something. At which he got really angry.

I'd go so far as to say that from the list Greenblatt's given that The West Wing is the only show that has potential in a continuation. A new administration following the Santos one and an occasional visit from one of the old gang - I'd say with Sorkin on board that could probably work. Only that Sorkin said, after

The latter two also both count as 'cancelled', so there's that.

Isn't Mom well regarded? Never watched it, but even Van der Werff seemed to have been enjoying it.

Which makes me very curious because the trailer didn't give the impression that the show takes place after anything that happened in the 70's - I'm judging from the lack of cell phones, cars, head phones, the use of slide shows, the use of 'serial killers' as new terminology, Berkowitz on the cover of Time and so

Still boring, though.

Well, its budget was only 66 million, so there isn't that much room for it to bomb that badly. With the proper creative team behind it and all the networks and streaming services out there willing to do original tv I doubt they won't be able to find an outlet. But yeah, that big LotR-like movie franchise is pretty