
I know the feeling. The casting is pitch perfect. Even the visuals seem impressive. I think from a production level they got most of it right. But there is something off in the overall tone of it that is really off-putting.

That new Castle Rock series sounds like they're attempting something of the sort. In which case: I'm even more curious. But I doubt they can get the movie rights to every or even most of the books. Those are pretty scattered.

Not much good just somehwere in the middle, though.

He firmly ruled this option out on many occasions.

Brudos will be played by Happy Anderson, according to imdb.

Imdb lists characters named Ed Kemper as well as Dennis Rader - who were apprehended more than 30 years apart from one another. My guess is they'll cover a pretty big span of time with this show.

This is my most anticipated show of the year, right after Twin Peaks, of course. The book was pretty good, though on understandably short on specific cases. I'm highly curious as to how they'll translate this into an ongoing series, but the trailer looks very promising in that they'll actually tell a worthwhile story

Wait. She's not the green, angry one?

You did read what I wrote, right? Because your statement reads otherwise.

Exactly. Kids adapt the language with accents and dialect from the environment in which they grow up. When you grow up with everyone around you speaking a perfect Oxford English you're likely going to end up talking in an Oxford accent yourself. But that isn't usually the case if you're someone who comes into another

Woody is a fine actor, I like him a lot. But isn't the whole make-up he's wearing a little distracting? He looks worse than when they turned Hopkins into Hitchcock. Seems like they did a better job with Cranston in that regard.

All I can say for ceratin is that it will definitely finish at some point.

I'm sure they know what a God is (or at least the concept of it). But don't you think the language would adapt over time when nobody actually used the concept in their daily lifes anymore? I mean, they certainly are going over the top with it when they say that every culture one on the planet would adapt

Reminds of what David Milch said about when researched profanity for the era that Deadwood takes place in. Originally, he wanted to use curse words from that time period but soon realized that every character would then sound like Yosemite Sam. Thus, you have all those 'fucks' and 'cocksuckers' in there.

Ah shit, that was some faulty counting on my part. Still, has the original series used religious terms like that? I honestly don't recall. Because that one only takes place a hundred years later, which would make your argument applicable to that era, as well.

"But it seems odd that, simply because people don’t believe in God anymore, they would drop the word “God” from their vocabulary all together."

I know I'm treading dangerous ground here, but to be honest, don't a lot Indian immigrants (by which I mean, Indians not born in the US, like Apu himself) sound like this? Isn't even the guy from Big Bang Theory doing an accent? I seem to remember hearing his real voice once on Conan (probably?) and he sounded more

Have you ever seen Tim Curry in drag?

I agree with you. But to be fair, American Office had around 190 more episodes worth compared to the UK version to flesh out the supporting cast.

From modern sitcoms I still champion the first two seasons of Community as two of the best sitcom seasons ever made. It's up there with the fourth season of Seinfeld and bascially everything Cheers ever did.