
I looooooooooooooved the sleeveless red lace dress Emily wore. I liked Nolan's Independence Day party outfit except for the pants' length. Too short.

I actually thought Manny had not changed that much but I caught some of the first season episodes on TBS the other night and I realized that he has actually grown a lot and in this episode, his voice sounded deeper as well. He was really tiny and squishy before, now he really looks and sounds like a teenager.

Oh, thanks. I didn't know that. I've never seen the first few seasons. The earliest one I've seen was, I think, New Orleans and then I stopped watching regularly after Vegas. I think Vegas is well regarded as the kiss of death for any sort of quality or meaning in the show.

I'm not a 50 Shades fan but I will say that when I saw the picture above, my first thought was that she looks much older than I know the book's lead character is supposed to be. After reading your comment, I Googled and found out that the actress is not that much older (the same age as me actually) but she looks much

The one thing I will say in this show's favour is that watching marathons of the early seasons as an impressionable pre-teen/teenager definitely helped show me the ill effects of imbibing copious amounts of alcohol. It was an awesome, unintentional PSA for binge drinking.

In the really early seasons, they actually gave the cast members jobs during the season so that they would be involved in the community instead of just boozing and fighting. I was just thinking a couple days ago how it's a shame that they changed that to focus on maximizing the drama.

One of my favourite HIMYM conversations will always be when they make the list of 50 different reasons for having sex because Marshall said that being in love is the only one.

I thought that the Baroness was fantastic but Captain Von Trapp always seemed kind of bored with her.

I agree. I don't think Big was right for anyone, tbh, and I don't believe that he and Carrie would stay together forever and I thought Aiden was too wholesome and settled for Carrie. She would have always been restless with him. The one thing I think they got right was having Samantha leave Smith and decide to be on

While I liked the idea of the mother being the person who finally gave Barney the push to go for Robin, I find it hard to believe that she'd get such a deep (and accurate) understanding of why he persisted having transient relationships just from him trying to pick her up in a pharmacy. Otherwise though, I liked the

Considering the games are basically meant to be a slap in the face to the districts to remind them that the Capitol has all the power, I always thought that the slogan sort of does the same thing. If you get chosen to be in the games, the odds are most definitely NOT in your favour and saying that just further rubs in

I watched a little bit of this last night and everyone had great hair but their clothes (especially Mary and her maids) looked so light and much more casual than I would have expected. I don't expect period pieces to be completely accurate costume-wise but this looked woefully inaccurate. Pretty though!

Okay, I didn't watch the first Thor film but I did see the Avengers and I really liked it. I had no plans to see this one either but I caught the trailer for it a few nights ago and I thought it looked good so for anyone who has seen it already - do I need to watch the first movie before seeing this one or can I jump

I just started watching Mad Men (late to the party, I know) and I was disappointed to find out that there were no reviews of the first season here (not your fault tho, the site wasn't around then, I understand) so I'm glad that you've decided to go back and review Season 1. Talk about good timing on my part. I look

I think maybe you're pre-judging Lily here. So far we've seen her getting angry at things that remind her of judges because it reminds her of Marshall's bombshell but since she and Marshall haven't spoken about it and she hasn't talked it out with the others yet, we still don't know if she's mad about the judgeship

I just wanted them to throw Clint out of the car. He was horrid.

I actually thought that gray dress was kind of unflattering on Lily. Something didn't quite fit right.

Not American but quite recently there was a multi-season Korean drama about a prosecutor who is a vampire called Vampire Prosecutor.

It seems like a lot of people have short memories with this show. Last week when I live-tweeted while watching, I saw several people talking about how confused they were by Nolan's sexuality. I took the liberty of reminding them that Nolan HIMSELF said he was bi in Season 1 and has been with partners of both sexes

I found it really hard to believe that Sarah would still have any sort of romantic feelings for Daniel after everything that happened. Even if he didn't know about his parents screwing her over (which is typical of both Daniel and his parents), he still drove his car into a post which then crushed her spine and left