
Someone lower down said that you can buy the episodes on iTunes after they air on Sundance.

I didn't find it scary either - just eerie and unsettling.

I'm happy to see you guys covering this. I've only watched episode one so far but I really liked it and now I have further incentive to keep watching. It just feels like this show is so atmospheric and stylish. Good review, btw!

I found the tunnel scene really graphic, largely because the rest of the episode felt fairly quiet and divorced from that kind of violence. It was just such a shock and it stayed with me for about a week afterwards. Disturbing stuff.

It definitely decreases in quality and gets wackier and more sitcommy in later seasons but if you love the characters and enjoy hanging out with them like I do, you'll probably still enjoy it. Just not as much.

Same. They keep insisting that she and Aiden have so much chemistry and they truly love each other and while I could see that there was genuine affection there last season, it rings false to me now. That scene on the boat this episode just felt absolutely inauthentic. I believe that Aiden does love Emily but I don't

As long as Emily stops by from time to time (now living the high life as a single gal after completing her Grayson takedown) and they have the same wardrobe team as the original show, I'd watch it.

I think the photo was a picture of the real Emily's family. Because she broke into Jack's apartment to get it and it was with an old picture of her and Emily in juvie.

I find it odd because they don't have any children. If she had gotten into the habit of calling him that because that's how she refers to him when speaking to their children, I could understand but the fact that she does it independently of that does strike me as strange. It's also that the term Daddy is sexualized in

I think we all need to take a minute to acknowledge how fabulous Emily looked in that black outfit. Magnifique, indeed.

If Victoria knew Patrick was the one who cut the brake lines, I think she would have been trying to cover for him way earlier. Also she wouldn't have been so upset at the end when she went looking for him at his studio. She was obviously legitimately stunned to find out that he's not all goodness and light like she

The colour was lovely but it fit her very badly. It made her look chunky. The black bridesmaid's dress didn't do much for her either.

Well right now, he's on Dancing With The Stars.

I'm 24 and my family still used one when I was a kid.

This review was hysterical, thank you. 'Stoic manservant' is incredibly apt. All of the costumes were incredible but Spencer's was the definite standout. It fit her perfectly.

Patrick cut the brakes. Who else could it be?

Amy's repetition line got the biggest laugh from me this week. Also that line about Raj's parents. I also enjoyed most of Raj's interplay with Howard, especially at his apartment. The final scene was beautiful - the guys all looked like they were honestly having fun.

"alive like the ****roach he is" is a magnificent and apt way to describe Conrad.

"That shirt washes you out so don't be surprised when people mistake you for a beige candle!"

I thought this was one of the funniest recent episodes. There were so many good one liners! I also found the argument between Cam and his sister quite amusing and was sad when Mitchell stepped in. I even enjoyed the bird puns.