
How I Met Your Mother actually had a whole episode in one of its later seasons about that - the Doppler/Dahmer Effect, I think.

I like that the show is focusing more on the parents right now than the kids because they are, by far, the most interesting characters but I also think it's a shame that Eddie's character is essentially the weakest part of the show. That's a kink they really need to work out because every time they cut to his scenes,

"Because real life isn't a rap video" - more people need to hear that.

The second episode was a lot better than the first. There were still a few of those types of jokes but they branched out a bit. I do hope they drop that format as well though.

I have to say having read his book and a few of his interviews, Eddie Huang always comes across a bit conflicted in his beliefs. I feel like he kind of has a chip on his shoulder based off of his experiences and as such, a lot of that anger and frustration is expressed sometimes in an unhelpful way because he doesn't

I'm really hoping for the best. Having read the book, I feel like they would have to water it down for it to be a comedy on this channel (or a comedy at all, really) but they've definitely gone too broad with it in order to soften things. It just feels cartoonish, even if it was funny at times. I thought the pilot was

I don't think Timbaland would use his best stuff for a TV show, honestly. It only really needs to be listenable. But I agree that they seemed to be painting Lucious as this hardcore gangster rapper so the R&B ballad seems a tiny bit incongruous.

Thank you. Plus regardless of all his media play, Kanye is a very unique rapper. Nobody else is really doing what he's doing so I think it would be really difficult and unrealistic to set Hakeem up as that type of rapper, unless they modeled him completely after Kanye.

I got the feeling that they were modeling Hakeem's character after Lil Wayne or at least rappers like him. The kind of music Hakeem makes may not be deep but if it's got a good beat and hook, there would definitely be a significant audience for it, especially given that he would have the full backing and PR team of

I think that the point they're trying to make though is that Hakeem ISN'T a musical genius, Jamal is but because Lucious can't get past his homophobia, he has pinned all his hopes to Hakeem instead of acknowledging Jamal's obvious talent.

Well, re: the clothes, Jamal said he would help her get out of the clothes she got released in so I assume he helped her buy things but I don't think Cookie would take too kindly to wearing what her son suggests as opposed to what she wants to. I wouldn't really call her clothes stylish at all - they've very over the

It was a boy.

It's okay to project. We always bring our own experiences to any media we consume and if this conversation could bring you some form of comfort or assistance, I'm really glad. You sound like a very introspective, intelligent person so even though you didn't get that talk, I hope that you will be able to move forward

Oh wow. I mean this with all sensitivity when I say that it made me really sad reading this. I'm sorry that the experience was so negative for you and has left you with such long term effects.

The Tubman scene was really funny but it was also so embarrassing that I could barely look at what was happening. I'm not saying it wasn't a good episode - it was, but I am just not that keen on cringe comedy.

Not that there's anything wrong with that but why would you expect Pops to be ambivalent or regretful of having spanked Andre? There are lots of older parents who beat their children who still believe that it was the right way to handle it. And it seems particularly realistic for someone of Pop's age, background and

But Jack isn't snarky or precocious, Diane is. Jack is much more child-like and comes across a little bit more like the bumbling idiot of the clan, although not to the extent of say Luke Dunphy.

I'm really not as sold on the child actors as the reviewer, especially Jack who is clearly the weakest. I found a few of Junior's line readings a bit stilted here as well; however they're kids and it's still early days so I'm willing to give them a break.

If you like Lee Hi, you should check out Ailee, Gummy, Navi, Satbyeol and Lyn if you haven't already. Korea has a real wealth of talented r&b singers. Oh, and of course, Hyorin from Sistar's solo album, Love and Hate. So good.

I've never heard of an "Asians are loners" stereotype. I've actually heard the opposite of that - that Asian families/communities tend to be quite tight-knit. If anything, the stereotype that Henry fits into is that he's a workaholic who is very good at his job which is a significant Asian stereotype. That being said,