
I think it's a mix honestly. While there's definitely a lot of Western influence in K-pop, there are aspects of the sound which are unique to Korea. This becomes clearer when K-pop groups go over to Japan and start releasing stuff there. I wish I could elaborate further but I don't know enough about music to be able

T&T. I did take CXC and I also was in the first class of students to take CAPE, the exams that replaced A Levels. We did Macbeth and A Separate Peace for CXC though.

It was. It really was. I was a bit bored up until halfway through, although I enjoyed the style, but once things started falling apart, it got really interesting. I will check that out, thank you very much. I hadn't heard of it before.

I know. I started reading Stiff and I couldn't get into that either and I don't know why because I feel like it should be right up my alley. I love non-fiction books about broad, expansive topics. But they can get to be quite dense - I think that's why I've only finished one Bill Bryson book so far. That might be my

Wow, thank you for reminding me that The Chrysalids exists. I also had to read it for school (in the WI) and I remember being surprised that it was so interesting and gripping. That was a really good book.

I just finished People I Want To Punch In The Throat by Jen Mann. It was pretty funny, although it started a bit slowly. Most memoirs I've read by still married women paint their husbands quite positively so it's funny how awful she makes her husband sound. On the flip side, she also seems kind of crazy so I guess

Farm to table mini grandmas!

If it ever reaches the heights of comedy that Cougar Town has, that will be a great day.

OMG, that's who he is! The dad from American Dreams! Wow, he still looks really good. I thought he'd be older by now.

I agree about Logan. He really outstayed his welcome and I never thought he was well suited to Rory but that episode is so fun (secret societies! Glamping!) and Logan and Rory had a great rapport before they actually started dating.

I really liked this episode. I thought it was so much funnier than last week's and it really breathed life into a common sitcom trope. I definitely get your complaints but I think it's important for the show to establish that it's going to deal with things other than race early on, especially given how central that

Wow, I didn't even think about that office shooting line as being racist, although now I'm sure it was at least partly meant to be taken that way. Most of the random shootings that take place in America (from my limited knowledge as a non-american) seem to be committed by all sorts of people, not primarily POC. I

I could not understand a word she initially said to Charmonique.

Okay, I just watched this because the review made it sound really cringeworthy - but it was funny! Mostly, in a cringeworthy way but there were funny moments and things I could relate to (like Eliza not wanting to delete her rain app cause it's free). It seemed really strange and almost like a parody at times (mostly

Really great, solid choices. They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They is one of my favorites. I would also recommend the following episode, Let The Games Begin when Richard tricks Rory into going on a tour of Yale with him, The. Big One when Paris has her meltdown and blames not getting into. Harvard on the fact that she slept

I agree with your comments about the name.

Well, it wasn't bad. I expected to be offended at some point (as a black person) but I wasn't really so I'll take that as a plus. I also thought it was funny at times but mostly in the secondhand embarrassment situations that Andre put himself in at work (like with the first LA proposal). Anthony Anderson can be a bit

There's definitely nothing shocking about the show. The most I can say is that it's sort of settled into mediocrity. There are very few surprises anymore in terms of plotlines but it's still funny most of the time, although not as consistently. The main issue is that the characters are often meaner and at times more

I'll miss you, Joan. RIP.

My mother would read it.