
That's the other mystery and I don't know why the show hasn't bothered explaining why her meta powers manifest as evil persona when they haven't really bothered to have any prior examples of that in any previous episodes.

Yeah I definitely figured Danielle had a lot of input into her Killer Frost costume. It's definitely one of the best costumes on the Arrow-verse.

Eh it was okay, I've said it before they took way to long with the Savitar reveal. They focused too much on the big guess who mystery than trying to build up why future!Barry is working so actively against himself. I think think the why and future!Barry's journey would have been more entertaining than have the

All I have to say if they bring back Shield in the movie-verse they really need Clark Gregg/Phil Coulson. He just fully embodies everything that is Shield.

I didn't really expect the Flashpoint arc to be very long or quite as all encompassing as it was in the comics. I expected it be like 3-4 episodes and I thought it would have real stakes or at least be a kind of lead in the big multishow crossover. Everything that came from this Flashpoint felt like pointless

Yes, I had such high hopes for Flashpoint and I thought The Flash would use it as fresh jumping off point for themselves creatively and use it to help return themselves to season 1 greatness. It just floundered, the episode was a cute little episode but it should not have been their Flashpoint. The fallout from

Yes this is arc is so great. Shield has truly upped its game for this. While I watch this I just keep shaking my fists in the air and shouting into the void "This could have been you Flashpoint!"

Oh and I also loved the Nevertheless she persisted line from Fitz. Oh Shield I see what you're doing and I love it.

The look May and Daisy shared at the end was great. I can't wait to see them wreck shit next episode.

Yeah I found the whole Rip just peacing out to be pretty sloppy. Especially after all the recent episodes the emphasized just how attached Rip and Gideon are to one another. He wouldn't just leave her, though I guess the jumpship has some kind of version of Gideon programmed into it.

I think his parents showing up should be the logical end point for his arc. He goes back to Daxam and helps his people after learning to be a better person with Kara..but they are not going to do that which is why this is so infuriating.

Well the actor who played Captain Boomerang hinted on Twitter that he was returning. So we may be seeing him again soon on one of these shows.

Seriously Earth-2's Killer Frost wasn't a twirly mustache evil villain. She was very much a regular person who made a lot of bad choices and got caught up in Zoom's sphere and just having those powers in general. That Killer Frost seemed to have autonomy over her choices, she didn't seem to be a mindless slave to her

Can we all agree that Cisco needs a vacation or something because saying out loud that your plan is to have your friend unwillingly murder you is a horrible plan. Dude if you're so dead set on dying find some way to kill yourself or get yourself killed. Don't have your friend who is desperately scared of becoming a

Now you made me want to see Mick as a Lumberjanes counselor.

Yup I've said that before. I can forgive a lot flaws if there are interesting and strong characters.

That Barry/Kara fight scene was both awesome and adorable.

Have we actually learned when in Thawne's timeline this is? I've been using the assumption that his Legion of Doom team-up is prior to his going back in time the first time to kill Barry.

My heart would have grown three sizes from witnessing that.

Kara kind of teased Batman last episode I think it was. She mentioned her cousin teamed up with with a crazy vigilante with a bunch of gadgets a while ago.