
Yeah seriously, I thought he was at least going to go in for a hug.

Someone has been reading my dream journal!

Yup I've said essentially the same thing. I would watch 4 episodes of everyone having a pizza and ice cream party in costume.

Poor unemployed Barry, but that conveniently leaves him free to fight aliens next week and not worry about his job. Also thankfully next week he's going to see Kara, hopefully she can life coach the crap out of him like the way she was trying to do for Mon-El.

So very true, I had to stop watching the elections results at one point because it was getting painfully obvious things were not going to work out for Hilary. I just turned on Bob's Burgers instead to try to make me less depressed.

Haha yes to that about Julian sudden 180 in that speech.

I would think at least one or two would have accidentally outed themselves in public with their powers at some point or maybe got found out after a couple of failed vigilante/superhero attempts.

Yeah I've been holding out hope for an episode that follows a normal person with meta abilities that's just blending in and randomly does little acts of kindness with their powers that no one can really trace.

Julian is kind of my spirit animal this episode. I have always been thinking why is pretty much every meta an asshole/evil. Where are all the normal metas? I mean just getting super powers doesn't make every social rule fall out the window and make you drop morals. I mean if I got super powers I probably wouldn't be

Yes I had the same thoughts during the first couple of episodes. It seemed like that for some reason people in charge thought there can only be 1 fun superhero show and Supergirl called dibs. I'm glad I was wrong and I'm glad the dourness of the first couple episodes is done.

I'm so glad that the Flash is fun again, let's hope they can keep it up. I missed the superhero fun this show provides.

Barry sure does love his writing board explanations, maybe he just likes an audience or is trying to live his Bob Rossi fantasies.

Yeah I wouldn't have minded just a one episode thing if they at least upped the stakes to really show Flashpoint was the worst possible outcome, not just a "better the devil you know" kind of timeline.

Yeah the reasoning was weak. Joe was a moderate functioning alcoholic about to lose his job, Wally was in critical condition, and Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry weren't super best friends so the Flashpoint timeline was the worst thing ever to Barry. Despite the fact That Caitlin was a super smart, happy optometrist, Cisco

I wouldn't have minded the one episode cap if the Flashpoint timeline felt more dire. Maybe if Wally died, if Joe was a lower functioning alcoholic, if Felicity was a cyber terrorist, or if Starling City was a wasteland just something that made the Flashpoint timeline feel more sinister.

Flashpoint felt super rushed. It should have gone on at least a few more episodes. The stakes didn't really feel high enough that Barry would want to or need to change the timeline again.

I think the belt is okay but I think whoever did the photoshop give him an hourglass figure for unknown reason, which makes the belt look wierd especially when paired with the oversized boots.

Holy crap! This was amazing everyone is coming together at a breakneck speed now and next season should be amazing.

He probably heard what happened to the others and noped out to find Nymeria.

Ditto, I usually have to look away from gore and excessive amounts of blood but during the Ramsey scene I was like, I can totally watch this.