
Bran what the hell, stop staring creepily at a tree and go get your sisters! It's seriously time for a three-eyed raven Stark intervention.

Seriously, Elia's family was even trying to get her back into Dorne away from King's Landing and Rhaegar just decides that's the perfect place to elope with only Lyanna in tow.

Seriously especially with the whole "we all have tenuous connections and know each other" bit.

My takeaway: Rhaegaer is a dick. He runs away to Dorne to annul his marriage and leaves his former wife and children to die in King's Landing.

Yeah Mark and Claire were pretty much only included to give J.J. a storyline because his schedule and the other main cast members schedules conflicted, other characters needing a sounding board, and to be in group scenes that need more people.

Yea it's like how can we make the audience desperately wish that one of the most wanted reunions on the show come to an end as quickly as possible and get the hell off their screen?

0-2 so far. I don't think Dany is going to let Tyrion do too much more battle planning and let's be honest he probably shouldn't. He, Cersei, and Jamie probably know all each other's moves and now that there's no one to reign in Cersei she can be as ruthless as she wants to be.

Yes I saw that and despaired as well. Hopefully they'll be put on CW's Seed app at least until DC's streaming service comes online. They put Flashpoint up on there as well as a few of the other animated movies.

This was my favorite episode so far. They packed so much into this episode about the mythology and what's to come. They also have given us Wednesday's real identity much sooner than they did in the books even though they haven't explicitly told us who he is yet.

I know I'm probably reaching but maybe it was just a pretty lie to make it easier for Barry willingly give himself up and to stop his friends from doing something dumb to stop Barry from sacrificing himself.

Star Labs doesn't have the best security, I wouldn't trust it hanging around in there even tucked away in the Time Vault.

Well that part actually makes sense. No need to tempt himself or anyone else with it. You don't want it to turn out like Arrow where they destroyed Darhk's totem, the next episode for completely inexplicable reasons pieced it back together and just left it just hanging around like it was vase of flowers.

I'm glad that we still have a Caitlin with powers even though they didn't bother to explain how the Killer Frost persona came and went in the first place. Hand wavey power of friendship I guess. Though I look forward to seeing where the show goes next season with it.

When I saw the previews for this season I was worried the the Lemonade parody while probably hilarious wasn't going to work within the context of the show. I'm glad I was wrong, it worked very well and was hilarious.

Why do typically smart girls follow and listen to dumb guys?

i like the Killer Frost storyline too it's great and Danielle has been killing it. The only thing that's bad about it is that they haven't bothered to explain why Caitlin and her meta abilities manifest as a different personality with powers instead of just giving her abilities like they have with everyone else Killer

Yes they reversed their roles. On Legends this season I kept thinking that they needed to go get Barry to give Snart some pep talks stat to get him to get Snart back on their side again.

Seeing Snart again was great. They really just need to bring him back and screw Legends and bring him back on The Flash as his on again, off again recurring frenemy. The Legends still think he's dead so they won't be looking for him or he just lay low and not use the cold gun for a while and commit some good old

yup that's what I've been saying, seeing evil!Barry would have been a lot more interesting than having the audience and the characters play detective trying to figure out who Savitar was.

Hurray for The Flash being fun again! Writers please give us more of these type of episodes going forward in season 4. It's like someone unlocked the cage they're keeping the season 1 writers.