
Me to Sansa while she's walking away from Ramsey with a smirk: Same girl!

Hurray for Arya Stark of Winterfell being a H.B.I.C. And showing the faceless men what's up. Now someone needs to invent teleportation so she can full-assassin on Ramsey next week.

Yes she is amazing, just send her to the Red Keep now. She will take care of that High Sparrow problem and she'll keep Cersei in line.

Lady Lyanna Mormont is my new choice to sit on the Iron Throne at the end of all this.

Maybe maybe Theon and Yara will find him on their sailing adventure.

Margaery's "oh crap" face was pretty funny when she saw that a rescue was being performed and she worked her machinations a little too soon. Hopefully she and Tommen have an actual plan that's not just Team Sparrow.

That's my feeling as well. Whatever Barry did will be contained to only the Flash and maybe start to bleed out to the other shows to help trigger the crossover which will cue everyone trying to figure out what's going on.

The theme for tonight's episode is: Oh Barry no what are you doing, you beautiful idiot?

Yes Margaery is definitely one of the top ladies in the game, she typically finds the right person to manipulate at the right time and she usually comes out on top. I'm glad they showed her manipulating people and not actually broken.

I just said the same thing, please save the direwolves, at this rate they'll be extinct by the end of the season.

Another Direwolf bites the dust and so does the magnificent Hodor. RIP guys, Bran better be worth it in the end.

Grant really sold the emotional scenes in this ep so kudos to him. It really did feel like an emotional gut punch during the scene between Barry and his mom.

Yeah but we don't really know what Nymeria and Summerwind are up to. Ghost is around far too many shifty bitches right now and needs watch his back.

Damn what is with the direwolf genocide? RIP Shaggydog. Ghost, you best watch your back, rip out throats and ask questions later.

Totally called Cisco's expecto patronum comment, I felt like a witch the moment I mouthed expecto patronum and Cisco totally did it with me.

Welcome back Bran. It was great to see a happy Stark for once, it has been a really long time. Maybe it'll happen again soon when Sansa watches Ramsey die.

Please be my roommate, I live with monsters.

A big emotional arc about whose turn it is to buy toilet paper.

I really loved this as a visual album. The southern gothic aesthetic was beautiful and I felt really fit in with the spoken word portions, it helped give everything a more ethereal feel.

Yes that was my question too. I was also wondering why was Lincoln just sitting in the dark instead of making a scene trying to get someone's attention. I get he probably already did that earlier prior to Daisy trying to jailbreak him but jesus Lincoln don't just give up.