
If only he wore glasses, they would have never cracked this case.

I really love the way Barry and Thawne Wells play off each other, Tom and Grant were great. I also liked/was super surprised they retconned Hartley into Team Flash. It will be interesting to see how they use him moving forward and if they tell any flashback stories that include him.

Yes in my head I was thinking this is what Gotham would/should like like except cleaner.

Yeah it definitely seems that way. There's a behind the scenes picture out there of Melissa Benoist in her Supergirl costume during the Agents of Shield Dubsmash wars filming. But the actual filmed Dubsmash has her in just a t-shirt with the Supergirl shield and red cape not her official costume. I'm guessing

Yeah that was rushing things a bit, but I think once he saw that even without all those distractions at the restaurant, Simmons still broke down and was very open about it, he did have a realization that he was rushing things.

Just speculation on my part but maybe her dealings with Whitehall broke her a bit more than she's been letting on or maybe Cal couldn't put her back together quite right.