
THAT'S your source, eh? A British tabloid citing "someone close" about something she might've said in an elevator? Everyone, stand down!

I believe Dumpster gradually succumbed to years of assaults on its core brand, thanks to the leaner, hungrier Trash-Co(TM), and its superb line of Waste Disposal Units.

Here's the thing: YOU seem to be—on the face of it—able to "engage" with "reasoned dialogue" or to "take a sobered look." The man elected to lead the nation is concretely UNABLE to do that. We learned it be watching YOU, dad!

Ah, the droids … I can barely sleep for the nightly wondering: WHAT is the DEAL with 3PO's red arm??

Oh, woops! I didn't realize it was "Heavily Agree" day in the comments section. (I'm still sour.)

Oh, good, Luke-R2 bonding time, that's just what was missing. A man talking to a beeping bucket.

They're the Iron Pigs, and I better never catch you anywhere near the Lehigh Valley, or your ass is scrapple.

No, I believe you're confusing political *views* with the "beliefs" of an insane person.

"K the C"??!!

I'd like to take the starch out of both those stuffed shirts.

Three typos in two paragraphs—not a great lead-in to important stuff.

In light of these events, of which we now realize we were largely aware, if that was "considered as negative" towards people who very possibly could have died and still may be experiencing emotional trauma, "we regret …"

You BETTER be re-thinking 1997 as The Year of The Fifth Element!

Great. Could it have a new title, too?

Well defended.

And yet, here you are, 10 years later, still taking time out of your Internet to register your disgust.

Can we PLEASE call him by his TRUE name—he's Tom HUSSEIN Barrack!

I'm prepared to be wrong here—God knows the Internet has let me know before—but is that not … ASCENDING order? I mean, I know it's counting DOWN the numbers, but it's a TOP five … I'll go …

Okay, then here's an Atypical "liberal" response for ya, ya chair-moistener. I recognize YOU as a fringe-y lil' free radical trolling people politically on a pop culture site. I therefore do NOT judge "cons" or "conservs" or "conservtards" or whatever is supposed to be OUR return-volley nickname for people on the

I'll field this one. Shut up, little girl.