
Hey, looka that! Only 24 comments in before anyone got to the friggin' point!

Time travel … why did it have to add time travel … ?

Yeah, I get what you're saying—"it's all subjective." I don't think it's quixotic, however, for music critics to try and identify a literal low point. Perhaps there were two weeks in 1979, but you'd have a tough time getting others to agree on that.

I think the burden on you, then, is to pick a *worse* era. By definition, there has to be.

You might want to examine your own condescension, as YOU assumed that something a stranger said pithily within a mostly snarky debate prompted by an article about film comedies was SCREAMING for a dry refutation. I was perfectly aware of my starting point and, while I'll be the first to admit it was far from a

Ah! But to the ear with BRAINS, I was employing HU-MOR! Now go forth and spread the Word!

Yet. Step one is to change the titles—step two, the content. It's already happened with our action-adventures.

You say that as if you were setting me straight on something. Good practice!

It actually sounds like "The Joy Luck Club" was translated into Korean and then back to English. By someone who didn't watch very closely.

Yup. Stuff like that.

My friend and I have a bet … she says titles such as "Bad Moms" and "Rough Night" are made deliberately generic so that they translate more easily overseas—I say something else. Do I owe her a Coke?

You gonna present an argument there, home-boy? You say "just no," I say, "We need more."

A "Miami Vice" reboot is the Malibu Stacy's new hat of great executive management. I salute you, sir(s).


I have to put this on here, because the handful of friends I've talked to have looked at me so blankly—that ship battle was INCREDIBLY distracting, in terms of the speed of motion. I'm far from a tech expert, but I know it has to do with the frame-rates of the cameras used. It's in a lot of the action genre these

The same way I can seriously dislike Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, and the rest of that rabble who ALSO felt the lash of his stunted, monosyllabic lil' tongue. Not every enemy of your enemy is your friend.

I'unno—I feel fairly enriched by this multi-car pileup.

Objectively, an utter abortion of a movie. Introduce a female Israeli soldier, just to pop her in front of a bank of TV monitors to do nothing but look concerned when the entire third act is re-written. To say nothing of an entire country falling because it was too noisy.

Wasn't Liam Hemsworth or Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pine or somebody like that in it? None of those guys are funny.

Ah, but—as befits all instances of outrage today—he still linked to the article, thereby publicizing it and providing just one more portal to it. The Internet taketh, and the Internet giveth away.