
Nope. Season 3 was such a drag, I couldn't even bother with the rest

Dying with the comment in the parenthesis

Kim Kardashian, her impact

Love it. I wish they could do more episodes of Broad City, but doing side projects till that comes on is good enough for me

This was cute, even though I could have lived without the cop and the father being lovers

Hope this works out for her

The title of the award is actually Album of the Year

She is

She is

1989 was the defining album of 2015, much like 21 was in 2011. It doesn't matter if it was the best or the worst. Congrats to Taylor, anyways

Ha! As If. It is the highest rated show on ABC, it out-rated in the demo every drama on CBS, NBC and FOX till Empire came along. Nice try, fat.

I can't with all this Grey's Anatomy hate. Hit me up when you get a hit TV show for more than a decade. Bye ugly

I found it funny that John Travolta was hesitant to participate in this and had to ask Oprah's and other famous people's advice on whether he should do it, and then I see his name pop up as a producer. I guess the acting paycheck wasn't enough

Okay Mr. Name-dropper

Happy for Law & Order: SVU, much better procedural than what CBS airs and gets many more viewers

Not the network that let that girl on Scandal have her tooth taken out by her future boyfriend

Eric made out with that guy after the incident, so maybe because of what happened at the party he didn't want to get involved with someone else. Also, from the looks of it, it seems that Taylor is submissive to Eric, but that other guy seemed to be more in control of Eric since he was older and richer than him

But like House and the CSIs it was on broadcast and it was supposed to produce 22 episodes per year, but at first it was a mid-season replacement, and then NBC pushed back its production in season 3 and the final season was shortened too. They didn't really have that much time to get tired of the characters. Also the

Parks & Rec is an unfortunate example. The show might have gone on for seven seasons but it barely made it to a hundred episodes

I haven't watched more than ten episodes of this show, yet ever line of dialogue from this premiere when Mulder was talking like a crazy person to Scully about a conspiracy has happened in some other "mythology" episode in exactly the same way