
In my mind, they had to have him drive into Cuddy's home so she could exit the show without having to be killed off. She would never leave her steady job unless something crazy happened to her by someone she loves

Actually the show's final season didn't include Edelstein

Isn't it a bit late to be promoting the Seinfeld/Hulu deal?

I don't think the ratings had anything to do with House's cancellation or ending if you will. Hugh Laurie was just so rich by season 8 he didn't want to do work 12 hours a day anymore. FOX wanted more House episodes back then and it definitely wants more House episodes now, but unlike Prison Break and X Files they

What does he have to say about his possible move back to cable when CBS cancels his show and replaces it with reruns of NCIS?

Not really, it's much better than what it used to be in Season 4 and 5 when all the original interns were still on. Also, this has nothing to do with the quality of a show, it has to do with the writers thinking every tv show that is not Mad Men, or the Sopranos is a "guilty pleasure" so you can't like it for more

"My Grey‘s obsession has thankfully come to an end". Seriously (Grey's Anatomy pun intended), why do AV Club writers hate it when they like a broadcast show that is actually a hit?

Keep it

Because NBC is the one that approved and shaped the scripts into the episodes that are streaming. Netflix didn't get the show until it was already filmed and ready to go

I wish, I'd kick Christina Aguilera out of The Voice, once and for all


Also, Kimmy's first season is considered an NBC show, Netflix had nothing

The first three are literal trash and I'm not going to pay money to watch a documentary that will last me a day or two

Sorry I forgot that some people use streaming services for movies too

Not really, wasteman1234

Okay but how many of their original shows are watchable though? The Marvel ones, Aziz's show and Orange is the new black's first ten episodes maybe?

I like procedurals, not CBS' though

The awkward moment that the op doesn't even live in America

I'm not a watcher of Netflix originals. But I just started watching L&O:SVU and Netflix only has 60+ episodes, while the entire collection is available on Hulu. Same goes for other broadcast shows

Who cares about Netflix, they have nothing compared to Hulu