Amy W

This this this. I love the guy despite his faults, but this is probably what actually bugs me most about the Cult of John. And the being held up as some paragon of peace because he wrote some songs about it thing, too, but I think the balance-of-musical-greatness-credit irritates me just a little more.

Like enough of the creative energy they'd gotten off each other was still built up in them at the beginning of their solo careers, but after it wore off they had to settle for just being ordinarily great instead of extraordinary.

Aw you guys. Every time the A.V. Club has a Beatles-related article, I come to the comments section and feel at HOME. There are so many proper Beatles nerds here!

I've decided I judge this show purely on how much fun I have watching it. I honestly can't think of an episode where the plotting WASN'T ridiculous. But for me the least ENJOYABLE episode of this season (and maybe the whole series) was the first one— it was kind of depressing, not very enjoyable, left a bad taste in

As someone who lives in a frighteningly pro-Trumpsterfire area, I second this heartily. These people were duped, plain and simple. I don't doubt that there are plenty of people out there who DO understand and still support him, but the majority have just been eating up false promises about job security and the Evil of

Yeah, it was at the end of S3, when they revealed he was working on something big.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one struck by the music in the first scene.

When Radcliffe first saw the Darkhold last fall I thought, WOW, him of all people to manage his Willpower save on that thing, that's impressive; it's even more satisfying that he DIDN'T completely reject it and has been being careful and methodical about his desire instead. I really like this long play.

I'm still confused about the scene at the therapist's, when she said something about him having recurring dreams, I think, okay, so what part of what we've just watched is actually a dream. And the whole Mary-taking-a-bullet-for-him is both so weird and also something Sherlock in his self-centeredness might actually

I don't believe it's exactly what it seems to be. There's something else going on with the bus girl than a possible affair. I'm not calling anything until we see where it goes.

Right— that's how I feel about it. It just didn't feel as FUN to wtch as usual. I don't particularly trust any of the plot twists and will wait to see how they might play out in the next two episodes, but no matter how ridiculous the plots have gotten in the past, I just didn't really ENJOY watching this one. That's

Same here. Made it to five days left before one devastated me!

2) I WAS relieved that the hiatus ends Jan 10, though, so it's not like all the time that would have been Agent Carter will be empty, at least.

I would not approve of such a plotline, but that would add an interesting spin to all the mounting Philinda tension, too, wouldn't it.

That's exactly what I was expecting from the tag, and then there WASN'T a tag, and I was all thrown off.

Just like the Agent Carter references in last night's episode. People wouldn't have had to see Agent Carter to follow along, or even think of it as any more than some throwaway exposition, but those of us who WERE Agent Carter fans were all YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!

Now that you mention it I think he WAs the head of Roxxon, but I can't remember how it tied in to the rest of the plot.

Maybe it's just a weird symmetrical symbol and somebody once said "hey, it looks like it says 'Darkhold' " and that's when everyone started calling it that.

This was a particularly May-shining episode. I got up during a commercial and found myself just thinking "May is awesome" over and over as I got my snack.