Amy W

In just recent seasons they've rebooted SuperGrover— literally the snippets are called "SuperGrover 2.0"— so he might be making a comeback.

My youngest was 6.5 when I read them the series this spring, and she loved it and still makes references to it. To be honest, the scares are more age-appropriate than the vocabulary— Harold likes long words and obscure references in his narration, I often had to translate.

Thank you, you and everyone who replied to this thread, for the validation.

There's something about them that makes me think they have a lot of potential to make really good music. There are flashes of genuine creativity— if they keep following the creativity and don't just settle, they may develop something really unique and memorable. I like them for that potential I hear.

I'm literally listening again at this minute ("Your Obedient Servant"), but that's not much of a coincidence because I've been pretty much listening to it for months non-stop ("NOHHHHHHN-stop!"). I can't seem to put on anything else. If it's not on, I'm singing it. It's an addiction.

I remember somebody saying what I thought was "dark hole" and I pictured the dark matter from S2 Agent Carter. Then I read this review and said "Oh, DarkHOLD, that's what he said."

It was great to see them partnered up. They were such buddies in season 2 but we haven't really seen them together much since.

When she did the leap-onto-the-car thing, I just kept thinking "wow, she really is a superhero now, she became a freakin' superhero, she did."

I loved that he's just carrying it as a matter of course now, and that he makes full use of it! I actually did laugh out loud when I noticed!

It seems like a pretty good descriptor of her to me. Here's what I wrote about her once: https://t.co/P7zdaUarZi

I was thinking Reese as Who. But actually somebody much older in general.

Gosh, see? I just mentioned this in another comment and it's one of those things nobody would care about but me, but anyway, once— long before the casting call for this movie went out— I dreamed a version of Wrinkle where all the characters were minorities, and Calvin was SO PERFECT I fell instantly in love, but

The actual casting call for this project called for the Murry kids to be specifically mixed-race black/white, and for Calvin to be ANY minority race/culture. He hasn't been cast or at least announced yet, so who knows. My personal minority-Calvin headcanon (I dreamed about him once) is mixed-race black/white, too,

A Motel 6 commercial came on the radio the other day and I all excitedly pointed it out to my Animaniac* 7yo, "Do you recognize his voice?!?!?" It took awhile.

I managed to miss the face melting by thinking I picked up where I left off but actually picking up after the commercial break. This was probably for the best since I was eating breakfast.

We saw show before movie and didn't feel "spoiled" at all, really— we were just like "what the heck HAPPENED there?" so went to the movie to have that question answered!

I loved May so much this ep. I mean I always love her, but it really stuck out in this one.

"It was interesting to hear Fitz reprimanding Lincoln for being a lovesick fool and disobeying direct orders. I mean, did he forget the lengths he has gone through for Simmons?"

I always think about the party episode, how "parents go out of town so kids have a drunken party and things go wrong" is a tired trope, AND YET they manage to turn it on its head so many times in so many little ways… yeah, they'd pull off any direction they'd take.

The next generation's Mr. Russo?