Amy W

My name actually is Mrs. Weir (AND I have a son named Sam!), and I have absolutely totally actually become her. Which is not necessarily a bad thing…!

I was just about to say "He doesn't look 52!" but then Ming Na Wen looks it even less. It's like Fight of the Forever Youngs or something.

I know upvoting is technically the same as saying, "This." But this. I said the exact same thing the other night.

They actually have an in-story excuse this time since he ended the last episode on a stretcher, but coupled with the other episode he wasn't in (without explanation), I start to worry why…!

Of COURSE he realized what had happened immediately. It would have been annoyingly and out-of-characterly dense of him not to put that together.

I don't even think it was as ill-timed as people are suggesting, anyway. All they really COULD do in that moment was wait, not go running off to rescue anyone. And the emotional charge of everything, they realize how the prophecy played out, and they ARE worried about their team, the likelihood that they'll WANT to

It wasn't even announcing the winners, it was announcing the PROJECTED winners! And less than 10% of the votes were in!

1) My husband couldn't let that point go, either, so you're not alone there.

No reason to assume he WASTED the whole stack of paper— he only drew down the side of it. Might have already been scratch paper on one hand— still perfectly useable on the other.

I hear this from more than one unrelated person, and I just don't get it. Maybe the character isn't given enough opportunities to shine, but that doesn't mean the character HIMSELF is weak. He's the best. I missed him the other week when he wasn't there.

I'm not sure I'm as okay with it as you are, but your argument is so compelling I'm statting to agree, at least…

I think I might have appreciated it better on another night. I'd just got home from an unusually draining evening at work only to face putting some violently uncooperative children to bed, while meanwhile my husband was having a very long phone conversation— or, he was LISTENING— with his highly distraught mother who

I just expected it LATER IN THE SEASON. I knew they're trying to spin them off, but I didn't expect them to be gone when the new show isn't even scheduled yet.

It was more noticeable than usual last night, probably because Mac was missing. If they'd just given a throwaway line about WHY he was missing!

Oh, I've seen 'em. I suspect they're teenagers. Nothing AGAINST teenagers, it's just they're hormonal enough to find ANY romance interesting. No, I take that back, "old" people romances squig them out. Daisy and Lincoln are in their twenties, so somehow they're SOOOO CUTE, while my own favorite-though-doomed pairing,

Yeah, some of the combinations on the Love album are sheer genius. Who would come up with musical connections like this?

The track on the Anthology collection is a lot clearer, you actually CAN tell that's what he says.

I like the idea of cameos from the characters, but it's not the same as the SHOW Agent Carter. They're very different in tone. Cameos would not satisfy my desire for the show itself!

Hold on, while opinions are opinions I MUST defend myself from the insinuation that I've been slamming AoS. That bugs me too. I LOVE Agents of SHIELD and I insist on saying as much. I happen to think Carter is better, but not at the EXPENSE of SHIELD. It doesn't have to be an either or. It does surprise me that SHIELD

At the time I thought "quite slender assassin" without any theories on who, but this morning I literally woke up thinking "Maybe that was DOTTIE!"