Amy W


This is a genuine question I have because I DO believe it's so great. I love SHIELD, too, but Carter is in another league entirely, and I honestly do NOT get why it can't get better ratings than SHIELD. Which, again, I also love, but still.

It occurred to me this morning that it might have been Dottie who shot Thompson. BUT WE'LL NEVER KNOW IF THEY DON'T BRING THE SHOW BACK, PLEASE, ABC, WE BEG YOU.

Earlier in the season it was bugging me how much Jarvis was being used as comic relief. Then suddenly we get THIS Jarvis. I'm not sure if the difference is more effective or more jarring this way.

"What I would like to know is why Marvel's TV shows arent drawing much viewers but their movies always shoot to the stratosphere everytime they premiere."

Re: Atwell for Mary Poppins: I LITERALLY WAS JUST THINKING THIS HALF AN HOUR AGO. I'd been singing something from the movie to my kids and it flashed in my brain, "You know who would totally live up to the precedence Julie Andrews set as Mary Poppins?"

My favorite episode. Not sure what that says about me.

This may actually be my only complaint about this season— too much Jarvis-as-comic-relief. Of course that could seriously change for these last few episodes, being that he's all upset and vengeful NOT THAT I'M HAPPY ABOUT THAT.

I'm not so sure that's so cut and dried. All we KNOW for sure is that she turned him down for DRINKS when he asked, because she already had plans with Angie. It did sound kind of like a blowoff excuse and he might have taken it that way and, perfectly in line with their obvious difficulty talking about this, that

One thing I kind of loved (as a Peggy/Sousa shipper, granted), was that Peggy's immediate reaction before she even heard the reason WAS that it was incredibly stupid of Violet…!

I on the other hand swore he said in season one that he was in Europe. It could also have been that I read it in an interview or something. But that's been the impression I had since season one: Sousa in Europe, Thompson in the Pacific.

The absence of Ana Jarvis in the scene where her tranquilized husband is dragged home was my one big disappointment with this episode, in fact.

Yeah, my answer was pretty much, "Because we don't want anyone thinking HEDY LAMARR was a villain! Just this lady who has things in common with her!"

OH! THAT'S where I've seen him recently!

I just read an article that said she lived to be 96. I don't know if this was an accidental Civil War spoiler or what….

That line actually made me go "ooooooo" aloud. I don't normally react out loud, but that did it.

Hah, it was tickling my brain but I couldn't figure out exactly what it was!

Being completely oblivious to comic book westerns, I thought the costume was Woody from Toy Story, and we'd gone to an odd Disney-World-Commercial break.

I don't know much about Marvel Comics history, but could the comic itself have been a reference to Ellison? Or just a metaphor in the zeitgeist?

There was a guy at my church in the 1980s who walked exactly like Sousa with his crutch and (I assumed) prosthetic leg, so it doesn't even need to be as far back as the 40s to be believeable to me.