Amy W

Yeah, this, wish I could multiply upvote it. Reading this review actually was kind of enlightening for me, because it made me realize that my feelings about how the season SHOULD have been are largely just a matter of my discomfort with chaos, and that's apparently the point of the story… so it did what it was

I haven't been in to this season— hence my not catching up until now while I'm sick on the couch— and part of it's that I just don't care about the characters. The very presense of Mr Wrench somehow filled this episode with some HEART or something that had been lacking. Who knew? Thanks Mr Wrench.

STILL my favorite book—my first read was really similar to yours, too. I like most of what I'm seeing here, too. I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but I'm not disappointed in this a bit, either.

Maybe once they met him they decided he wasn't so "superior" after all, so they decided not to use the name he gave himself.

You quit about the same time as my husband (though he didn't consider it a slog until later), and I'm thinking of making him watch just season 4 from the beginning to catch up.

In my opinion, everything was good it was just RUSHED, trying to fit all the loose ends (or as many as possible) into the time they had. I think a B- might make sense relatively, but it doesn't mean it wasn't fun to watch and well-written. It just would have been BETTER if they could've made it, like, a 90 minute

If it's truly the SERIES finale, I'd be okay with it. Like you said, it feels kind of inevitable, and if it's awesomely heroic and well done…. Just as long as the SHOW doesn't go on without him. If I'm missing the whole show, I don't have to miss a character!

I think it just needed more time. A special 90 minute episode or something. I loved what was there but it needed more room to breathe and process. It really felt rushed.

Probaby my favorite line of the episode. Will TOTALLY miss Mallory Jansen.

They need, like, an extended edition of that episode. It seems like every beat and moment to breathe was cut to fit it all in, so now I feel exhausted and like I couldn't quite process it. Now for the long wait to find out where we are now…

I think this is exactly how I feel, too, but they're doing SUCH a good job of selling it that I don't think I'll be too upset if it's endgame. The part where they'd just come out of the Framework had me sold for a moment last week.

I don't think Daisy knows about the replicating machine, and I doubt she'd think making an LMD of even Hope was a good idea.

Since there's still two episodes left in the season? And he had that little look of doubt at the end? I sincerely doubt that's the end of his arc.

So who else can't go to bed now because their heart's still pounding?

I think it works with Ray but is just too broad for someone of Emmit's current social status. I do like his acting apart from the accent though.

I'm not as into it as previous seasons yet, but I have noticed it making me laugh out loud more than usual.

A copy, like the AI in LMDs? Though I can't see AIDA being satisfied with that.

Yes the musical cues! I was thinking they couldn't possibly be so good here as in Fargo 2 with its period music to draw on or Legion with its psychedelic aesthetic, because yay 2010 Minnesota, but I continue to be impressed with Hawley's musical ear, or at least his taste in picking OTHER people with musical ears to

Both previous seasons didn't knock me out with awesomeness in the first episode, either, took a few eps to get me obsessed. This ep made me laugh more than I remember either of the other first episodes did, so I'm taking that as a positive sign.

LOVED that twist on the old opening. Keeps it from getting staler on one hand, and a great play with words on top of it.