Amy W

I don't know her from anything, but I think I enjoyed her acting here the most of all the new characters.

That one often gets me reading reviews. Luckily doesn't affect watching the show!

I didn't get as into Season 2 right away, but by episode 4 or 5 I was going "THIS.SHOW.THIS! SHOW!" after every episode, so if you can be patient through a slow start?

That's my guess.

Oh, I THOUGHT he'd used that nickname on someone before! Thanks! Though, yeah, what could that mean?

"Work for Jim Henson" is WAY up there on my Regretfully Impossible Dreams list.

I've been of the "Lenny was real at Clockworks but was then replaced by SK in David's mind" explanation, but your theory is so well-thought-out that you've convinced me to wonder.

(Me too, MrPlow.Adore the show, still haven't seen the movie)

I thought it would be much easier to wait for season 2, as i figured this one would be more self contained. But they not only gave us a what-happened-to-David-now cliffhanger, they've gone and teased us with this oliver/Lenny teamup which i want RIGHT NOW!

The flash of Angriest Boy at the end admittedly did get me.

I didn't even notice it was exposition until I read this review. I was enjoying it too much to notice.

I definitely want a soundtrack album.

I actually do think Stevens and McAvoy look related already….

I said "She is SO HORRIBLE! [in a good villain way, not a bad actor way]" out loud at least twice this ep. Wow.

She DID mention seeing it, when they were talking about dreams. Cary just followed it first.


Or, SEVERAL different people in this show alone.

I've been wearing New Balance for decades. My current pair is nearly worn out, but does this mean I'm going to have to put actual thought in finding a new pair of sneakers? :(

He's not SCHIZOPHRENIC, that's not the same thing as not being mentally ill. He's struggling with serious trauma, so the likelihood of that not having devolved into PTSD or at least an anxiety disorder is not very likely. Whatever is going on in his head, he still needs to learn how to manage it.

I actually dreamed last night (I watched the show yesterday afternoon instead of Wednesday night) that I lost my dog who didn't actually exist, and that was upsetting enough, thanks, Legion.