Amy W

Oh he's definitely endgame, I'm sure of it. Which means the writers obviously can't let he and Peggy live Happily Ever After TOO soon…!

GUYS. The groundwork is totally being laid in these episodes for both the creation of SHIELD AND its infiltration from-the-very-beginning by HYDRA. First FBI guy is telling Thompson all about how the SSR is going to be obsolete and he'd better get in on the next thing— which indicates that the SSR could be shutting

I'm even more convinced this season that Sousa's the endgame here. Just because he never said outright that CAP saved him— he's not really chatty about the experience at all, but we DO know he fought on the European front and was in very grave danger once at least, so it's not unlikely that he fits the bill.

I have a friend with Hungarian immigrant parents, and I recognized it as primarily Hungarian, though it did go a little off here and there.

I think he's changed, thoughh it's most observable in his Mind Palaces. At the beginning, it's all facts. Over the seasons he's been letting more and more PEOPLE in— Season 3 he had various people outright giving him advice and answers in his mind, can you imagine S1 Sherlock even considering such a thing? And this

I think I more consistently enjoyed Season 1, and felt more invested in the characters overall, but Season 2 is more tensely plotted and kind of makes Season 1 feel mild in comparison. Not sure I want to choose! I think my heart goes to Season 1 a little more. But it's probably like I feel about Star Wars or Harry

Be careful who you say that to, they might take you for a long walk in the woods.

Okay (then), I can buy this theory.

Right, it seems more of a loose end than any other, because technically he's the last surviving Gerhardt (by name at least), and we don't know if anyone (including himself, though I hope he just decides to pursue a life in academia after all) might follow up on that someday….

Oh! You reminded me of Charlie. We never really got closure on him. Presumably he'll get reformed in juvie and go to college and become a philosopher, but who knows what having his whole family wiped out while he's gone will affect. Or if he'd do the incredibly stupid thing and try to reclaim the territory himself

Once you see it you really can't unsee it. The kids TOTALLY look like they're going to grow up into those guys. Even something about the way Little-Wrench stands reminded me of his older counterpart.

It was really beautifully used, like it had been scored specifically for the scene— amazing music cue.

I don't know if they've done any others, but the Mannheim Steamroller version I have is weirdly depressing. Here it is: https://youtu.be/9kStGiI7mP0 Doesn't it make you want to jump off a bridge? Please don't jump off a bridge. But it does.


I'd say it's a final straw sort of thing.

Agree on most points. But I'm actually kind of happy about the episode's shockers not living up to the hype. Last week wrecked me, and I did not look forward to WORSE STUFF putting me into a ravine of pained suspense for the next three months. It was a nice breather to be able to just laugh at the great lines and say

Yeah, I was a Coulsalind shipper (and they're still my favorite, dangit!), and I was constantly feeling the hate from Philinda shippers, but even if I didn't ship the opposite ship I still wanted to say "NO PHIL AND MAY ARE JUST GOOD FRIENDS STOP TRYING TO MAKE THEM BE OTHERWISE THEY ARE PERFECT AS THEY ARE!"

"Also what happened to Fitz-Simmons though?"

He's just not FAMOUS yet. Only people who've heard of him know he's awesome.

ME TOO. I think of all the great lines and scenes that could be GIFed, and then I get there and …THIS? THIS is what you chose to take away from that episode?