Amy W

I LOVED IT. I could have watched a whole show that was nothing but them. But I also fully EXPECTED Ros to die by midseason. So even I don't get his anger about that.

Pretty much the only romantic relationship on the show that ever felt forced or shoehorned is Daisy/Lincoln, and who knows, that one could surprise us eventually, too.

Which is why, even though I actually *gasp* don't read comics, I've always been a Marvel girl. I've always found their characters more interesting than straight up heroes vs. villains.

I loved Cousalind. They were my favorite ship in the entire MCU. But I knew from the very start that if Rosalind wasn't evil, then she'd be dead by the winter break. IT'S THE WAY THESE SHOWS WORK. I relished their romance while it was there, but it would have been utterly ignorant of me to believe for a moment that it

I'm starting to think the #StandWithWard folks are just trolling, at this point.

Did ANYONE think that peaceful date scene would seriously turn out to be nothing but a peaceful date scene? The first scene of the episode at that? I didn't expect it to happen like THAT but I DEFINITELY expected the date would be interrupted dramatically by violence. How could it not? This is a spy show!

On the other hand, what else COULD have happened? I've always assumed that if Rosalind wasn't evil she'd be dead by the winter break. I guess my out-of-show knowledge that she wasn't a permanent cast member colored that expectation, and maybe if I hadn't known that, she COULD have been incorporated into SHIELD for the

Right at the beginning, when he said the Coulsalind relationship had been one of the only good things about the season and now it was gone, I said WAIT, he never seemed that interested or impressed with their relationship until this moment. I WOULD HAVE NOTICED, because I DID always adore it and I was highly sensitive

It was torture three times removed— Simmons tortured physically, Fitz tortured emotionally, and the audience tortured emotionally from watching him tortured emotionally so we were ALL screaming "STOP! WE'LL TELL YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT!" by the end.

Agent I. KilledYourGirlfriendBecause YourAgentsTrickedMeIntoThinkingMYBrainwashedCodependentGirlfriendWasSomeoneIWasGoingToMurderAnyway

I was all "YAY MAC, SO WELL-DESERVED!" and it was totally the only happy thing about the episode (not to say I didn't LIKE the rest of it, just that it was devastating), then I get to that part of the review and, if I didn't already have the sense that he's watching a different show than me, that was the final straw.

An online friend just mentioned that Jeffrey Donovan is her neighbor, and she hears he's in this season so she should probably get around to checking it out. Cue a mass of delightedly-horrified comments about how she's either going to be really impressed with his acting or she'll never be able to look him in the face

"mulignans"="Mulligan"? Or is that too obvious?

I was thinking "You know you're a teenager in a crime family when 'I was just trying to score some weed!' is the excuse you use to get OUT of serious trouble."

Yeah, it's kind of funny finding yourself rooting for Bear just because he's somewhat LESS horrible than the rest of his horrible family (except his son, hopefully, maybe there's still hope for Charlie to go study Camus!). I'm like "YAY BEAR oh, right, ouch." I do still hope the theory that he's boss of the syndicate

This is probably why he's so determined to keep Charlie out of it.

Then again, I still think Joey looks weirdly like Ward. Maybe the casting director just has a thing for that look.

Coulson and Rosalind are my FAVORITE, to be honest. I'm kind of torn in this episode, because obviously they had a massive trust issue and Coulson seems to have been a huge jerk, but I still believe he has genuine feelings for her (hence the anger in his confronting her), and I feel like they've got a reprieve because

I'm still thinking that Will isn't really the original Will at all— the guy who was sent through the portal was probably a pawn, but now the thing on the planet is impersonating him, or possessing his empty shell, or something.

I still maintain that there needs to be an appearance by a Koenig brother in every MCU production, like a Stan Lee cameo but more plot-related. Also we're totally overdue for a Koenig brother appearance in this season of SHIELD while we're at it.