Amy W

My love for this show has gotten to the point that I need to search Tumblr for gifs during the week to tide me over, and I'm shocked, SHOCKED how much SkyeWard stuff continues to go on there. HOW DEVOTED CAN YOU BE TO A SHIP TO BE IN DENIAL THIS LONG.

Gosh he was brilliant in the whole arguing with Simmons scene. I can't think more what to say except that was some really stand-out acting. And yeah, it's nice to deal straight-out with the elephant in the room.
Also, it occurs to me that WHO is probably responsible for

I'm still convinced he does really like her, but that evidence-of-Hydra thing was what brought out the seeming meanness. He wasn't about to admit HE had other feelings about it in the midst of what appeared to him to be an even more huge betrayal.

This exactly. The whole fight— argument (have to be specific on a show with actual physical fights) scene was stunningly well acted. If they're going to get the two romantically involved, they are definitely going about it the right way.

I was thinking last night how much Mac has come alive as a character since his introduction. He's really the heart of the team now. And has some of the best one-liners on top of it.

I was kind of shocked to look back at this episode and realize no named characters had died in it.

The repair shop is Sonny's, it even says "Sonny's" over the door; might be he was just hanging out there. My headcanon now is that he runs a little notary business in the auto shop.

I laughed more in this episode than I have any other this season. And yet, so tense! Good balance.

I had the thought when he was waking up, hearing the call on the radio, that he was confused that he was still alive.

I hate Dodd more than any other TV character ever, but I still laughed at his face when he saw Peggy's magazine hoard.

Another interesting angle— which is probably not the case judging where everything seems to be going in next week's preview, but it would have been a cool and in-character twist to it— is if she let Coulson in on that and they'd actually worked out some kind of plan together involving the HYDRA guy. And I guess it's

I chalk that up more to the stress of being stranded on an alien planet together than to her feelings being more ambivalent to Fitz. If she'd been stranded on an alien planet with FITZ, there's little question what might have happened, in my mind.

I am totally on board with this theory, whoever came up with it.

YES. I really love how so many things that are obvious to the audience are settled quickly this season. It's a relief not to guess something one week and have it dramatically revealed six episodes down the line. I was not looking forward to a long stretch of watching-Andrew-lying.

I think they're playing each other professionally, but genuinely into each other personally. I said that in another comment but I'll say it again because I'm an inexplicable Cousalind shipper so I'm always trying to put it in words. I think they both are naturally untrusting and intent on getting the job done, and

I like to skip to the "Stray Observations" because that's usually where the best one-liners of the show get recapped, but this week he was even negative there, so :P

I'm of the opinion that even if Will DOES come back, he can't come between them, because he was just the trauma-of-being-lost-in-space hookup for her. Okay, more than that, but still. She's back to regular life now, such as it is.

And de Ca…the guy who plays Fitz I don't feel like looking up the spelling right now— his silent acting in that scene was just amazing.

I don't think anything with her would be as obvious as that. I also think she's not pulling anything over on Coulson, he just doesn't know WHAT she's really up to yet, but I do think they're both still playing each other. And totally infatuated with each other, but playing each other nonetheless. Playing each other

I want something good to come to Bear in the course of this. He's the most almost decent member of the family.