Amy W

Oooo, we're all going in knowing that at least Lou and Molly will outlive the season, but does HE know that yet? That might be fun….

Here I thought he was cannon fodder.

I think there is something still enigmatic about her, because she brought up the "but why wouldn't they have stopped when they hit someone?" question herself— obviously she was trying to get them to doubt the theory, but she still REALIZES that that's the most logical thing to do in that situation, so she must have a

I have to admit, as soon as typewriter guy showed up at Rye's place, I said, "That's it, he's dead now."

That's funny because it actually crossed my mind last night that Daisy's new haircut makes her Chinese side stand out more.

My husband came up with the same theory, except he didn't give any good reasoning behind it, he just kind of spouted it out of nowhere, I thought. Thanks for showing the theory's not quite so out of nowhere after all!

Balloon=UFO was my theory as well.

I really thought it was him, too. It's great to know I'm not alone!

Well, Molly IS technically THERE…. I admit I might have some trouble not shouting "Okay, be awesome! Solve the mystery for your dad! You can do it!" at the four-year-old on screen when she shows up….

Yeah, I've been surprised how many people are like "I can't believe they ENDED THAT STORYLINE already and like that!" It's obviously not OVER even if she is technically BACK….

It was a little cheesy— I could tell my husband was getting impatient with it at parts— so I wouldn't give it an A, but it WAS a lot of fun, and if you're just looking for fun, it delivered.

I was thinking about you writing this up again while I was watching. He really is fabulous and deserves all the talking-up he can get.

She's so funny! I just was going to scan the interview for any parts that popped out as interesting (I'm pretty sure I've only ever seen her in Community), but I just wanted to keep reading everything because she kept making me laugh out loud. Spent a lot longer here than I intended. Missed my yoga class. See what you

Ah, so that's the one I was thinking of. Ignore my comment above in the "what will the poem be about" thread!

I assume this is the same new adaptation I saw reported elsewhere, so if it is, they're going with "Ten Little Soldiers."

Oh the music's lovely. I like ukulele. For me it's the CONTRAST between the catchy music and abysmal lyrics that makes me cringe.

The thing that drives me nuts about Train in general is that they seem like they COULD be good and they THINK they're good but somehow they fail. Their music ranges from inoffensive to delightful. But the lyrics sound like they were written by a melodramatic teenager who thinks they're being really deep but they don't

Well he always did like to rile people up. What could he say that would offend ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE? Ah, that he loves Train, that's it.

I usually say "I don't really care about lyrics" to defend why I don't like a song other people claim has great lyrics when I can't stand the music. But Train songs remind me that there are some things even good music can't fix.

Meet Virginia is the worst because it doesn't even have a catchy tune like the other ones do. There is no possible way to excuse it.