Amy W

I always feel like Train has the bad combination of FEELING poetic and artsy but just not being GOOD at it. The lyrics wouldn't sound so bad if they weren't so obviously TRYING to sound clever and/or deep. They need a really good writing critique partner or something to STOP them before they put these words out there,

They used to be GOOD. I actually recommended them to my mom as something she would like, being a fan of easy-listeningish-R&Bish stuff.


It's sad, but "Drops of Jupiter" actually got to me. The music is so catchy that I can't help liking it, and might even go as far to say it's my favorite Train song. Or the only Train song I can stand. But I also can't help cringing at the words the whole way through at the SAME TIME. It's infuriating.

One small change, speaking as a librarian: most of the people saying this stuff also think the library is something nobody uses because they all have computers and ereaders at home. It's GOOD if they realize how many people rely on the library's computers for things like applying for jobs!

Yeah, I didn't give up until season 3. Season two had redeeming moments. It wasn't yet entirely clear that the writers had no clue where they were going.

Of course, it is still called the General Lee, so…

Of course, it is still called the General Lee, so…

I was there, somewhere else in the country, watching the same lineup with you. But I think I was a couple years older.

The theme song wasn't as good, for a start.

Kind of like the dreams I have that I know are Community-related even if I don't recognize any characters, just because they basically are Community episodes.

I consider the One-shot to be the pilot episode for this series. Since it got picked up, they just remade the whole thing from scratch and the pilot episode was just, you know, a suggestion.

*I* laughed.

He totally made me tear up when he was killing his wife. Now THAT'S some great acting, making you feel for the villains like that.

Jean Weir was my first thought (and not just because my name is also Mrs. Weir), but admittedly Molly Weasley eclipses even her in the motherliness department. They could have put her in as a runner-up though!

Peg + Cat is awesome. :P

Most of the older shows they mentioned are on Netflix (or at least otherwise somewhat-readily available), which is certainly how MY kids discover new-to-them-though-not-necessarily-the-world shows.

I second Shadow's answer to your question about people-who-didn't-see-the-movie-yet. It's pretty much exactly what I was going to say.

Oh thanks. I was trying to remember when the switch off happened and I couldn't.

Relatedly, does anyone who was watching more closely know when Kara made the switch? Considering the real May was with everyone else it seemed weird to me that Bobbi wouldn't realize she was on the wrong quinjet, and I wondered if I missed that part.