Amy W

It's the difference between "target audience" and "who will enjoy it." Sure, a kid can love a show, movie, or book that's aimed at people older than them, and a grownup can love something aimed at kids. But that doesn't make it something FOR kids or adults. A label like "children's television" or "early reader" or

Word Girl is probably the one current kids' show I'm most fanatical about making grownups-without-kids watch. It's so brilliant I can't figure out WHY it hasn't become a huge cult thing yet.

That last part, especially. That's what I admire most about Arthur— though it's hardly my favorite show and some things about it annoy me, I really appreciate how well it really seems to GET elementary-school kids, their fears and interests and everything, and takes it all seriously.

Yeah, I hope it shows up next week, too. I have a kindergartener and a 2nd grader and they're both fans, so that means it could count as 2nd-3rd, too?

The MitYH is like a professional scientist assistant? Also, is Dr. Whatshername clearly his girlfriend or is that my imagination?

I apparently loved the Muppets when I was a young toddler, but when I was about 3 it occurred to me that the zaniness was actually quite violent and I became terrified of them. For YEARS. Until I was a teenager. At which point I fell into obsessive love with them. So, there's still hope for your daughter.

What is it with the Tower of Justin episode?! But isn't the gardens episode connected with that one, too, I mean they're two stories in the same episode? Because that was the one I thought of when you said "no annoying voices" and I thought "I CANNOT HEAR 'Are YOU ZhaZha?' ONE MORE TIME!" Actually Squiggy kind of

I have a bad habit of bursting into PBS Kids' songs at every slightly-related-to-a-lyric reference. It happens most often with Peg + Cat songs. And the Dinosaur Train theme song. And I've recently taken to annoying my son with Agent Olaf's "Potato Potato" song from Odd Squad ("That song is SO STUPID, Mom!" "I KNOW!

Sounds like my couch. Once I found several slices of old pizza— from several different occasions— when I cleaned under the couch. Apparently somebody really wanted dessert those nights.

I enjoy reading Max and Ruby books aloud— the original Rosemary Wells ones, not so much the episode tie-in books— because Ruby is so obviously horrible and I overact her. One thing that bugs me about the show is that the voice actor— or whoever is directing the voice acting— doesn't seem to realize how awful Ruby is,

Your kid has apparently not played the same two episodes of Justin Time over and over and over again yet.

I keep wondering why Word Girl isn't more popular among childless people. I mean, it's basically Powerpuff Girls with educational content. Actually, sometimes I think it's way funnier than Powerpuff Girls.

Think you're safe. Caillou is definitely for the pre-K set, no older. Now, whether it makes the Shows to AVOID list is up for grabs.

I don't know if I imagined it, but I thought I saw Skye blink a little when he said that, like she didn't know he knew, but she'd roll with it. Whereas I think maybe he just guessed, and was looking for her reaction to confirm it.

Same. Except it really is a problem, I'm so klutzy I really do spill nearly every time I try to drink something. That or choke. So I've always chalked it up to a "drinking problem," and then I quickly try to judge if I need to add "…Airplane!-style" to the end.

Bobbi seems to be a little less sure of her loyalties right now, so it's possible she suspected it might be a trick but just let it play out to see what comes of it?

THAT'S where I've seen him before, thanks.

There was a moment when she said something like "I don't have anything to give you in return!" and he just said, "Don't worry," or something, and I shouted out "I will find many ways to use you to my own ends soon enough!" and I don't normally shout out stuff when I'm watching TV.

Chrome with AdBlock has been working fine for me, too.

Fight scenes are where my eyes glaze over in general in shows, so I don't usually know good from bad, but I DID notice that this episode's seemed a bit more interesting than usual. So to see you spend a good part of the review praising them, I feel weirdly justified.