People who comment on the show's Facebook page— though maybe that in itself says something— seem to frequently be convinced of the Trueness of the story….
People who comment on the show's Facebook page— though maybe that in itself says something— seem to frequently be convinced of the Trueness of the story….
Slimy creep.
And later, when he was looking at the picture board, I kept thinking "Call Molly call Molly call Molly" at him. I'm really afraid NOT Calling Molly is going to be what gets him in trouble!
"Over The Hills" was my main reason for buying that one, too. I can't even understand why I love that song as much as I do, but it's probably my favorite Zeppelin song, if forced to pick. But I pretty much love every song on that album except "The Crunge." Which is luckily also the shortest song.
Thank you for proving I'm not the only one who likes Houses of the Holy better than IV. Or loves Houses of the Holy at all. Always feel weird because it always seems to be left out.
Since no one answered you yet, I'll answer with my partial memory— it was something about a Phoenix Farms company car. I forget what though— Malvo was using it? When? But Molly and Gus went to the store to ask about it.
Laughed so hard when I realized what you were doing.
—signed, a Beatles geek
I'm so glad to read all these extra details in these comments, particularly about this. I always felt kind of bitter about this episode after I read the book, because I thought it had mostly been all made up to give the series a Holocaust link and EXTRA DRAMA. It's good to know that Easy WAS there and just didn't want…
I honestly was sad about Mr. Numbers. And that scene made me sad all over again.
Maybe HE'S Buridan's Ass.
Nobody's going to worry yet about the sexism of killing off the female lead, because everyone is too determined that she is NOT DEAD. Denial comes before anger.
I figured they were being…sarcastic is not the word I want. I guess "ironic" actually fits here— like, "uh, it SEEMED like 'suicide by cop' but SOMETHING is not right here." Malvo turned off the scanner immediately after that so the next thing they said probably cleared it up, we just didn't hear.
Even with all the human on human violence going on, I think the snowstorm was actually the most terrifying part of the whole show so far.
I thought he was mostly confused about why a boy raised by wolves would become friends with a bear and a panther.
This would be the best place to jump in with my dumb comment amid all this drama and historical awe—
I wondered if Hand telling Ward to shoot Garrett was another loyalty test like she pulled on Simmons and Trip, and that the gun she gave him was an icer (excuse my spelling if necessary). But by now I'd have assumed she'd have woken up, and where, and would they have noticed… so maybe not.
Todd has, coincidentally, done nearly all the series I've followed on here. Sometimes I forget there ARE other reviewers.
"On your deathbed, after a long and successful marriage to this person, you don’t want to think to yourself, “I’ve spent my life in service to a pig.”"
What's a psychedelic rock song without effects seemingly going on too long?
Go you for picking "It's All Too Much." TOTALLY not well known enough for how amazing it is.