Michael Sailor

Looks like the author of the article found a new word, "misogynistic", and needed an excuse to use it over and over. And over. And over…

Oh, I see how it is. You throw your opinions around like a baby throws a tantrum, then hide in the corner like a whipped mutt when someone calls you out. That's pretty cowardly. Eh, to each his own, I guess.

You disappoint me, sir. I half expected some clever comeback, like "Rob Thomas isn't fit to carry Cobain's empty brainpan."

Well, that explains a lot. The best thing to happen to Nirvana was that Cobain literally cleared out his mind while metaphorically clearing the way for Grohl.

Good tune, but gimme Kody. :)

Aw, cute, even your avatar has taken on the appearance of a troll. Was that on purpose?

I believe that was their biggest hit, as well. Still, for my money, B2G is my favorite. Seek out Tabitha's Secret for some good tunes, as well, such as High and Swing. Good stuff.

Back 2 Good is still, and will always be, the best MB20 song, hands down.

Hysterical!!! Dogma is by far my favorite KS film.

Nope, not opposed to those who do the things you mention; the difference is they're undeserving of an opinion.

Wow. Even the preachers who try to save my soul don't put that much effort into it. *L* I'm enjoying your responses very much. Please, keep them coming. :)

Doesn't surprise me a bit. Addressing it in something the general public still views as "kids stuff", meaning comic books in general, probably gives publishers pause. I mean, even though comics may carry a warning for mature content, I've never known a single dealer to turn down a sale.

By the way, your copy/paste didn't include what that person had said to me, which was intimating I'm racist. Your selective reading makes your argument invalid. But by all means, carry on…

I respond in kind. If you don't like it, don't read what I write. Thanks in advance, I appreciate your cooperation.

I wasn't trying to be condescending, and I'm sorry you took it that way. The comics adaptations are very cool, and follow the story almost religiously, so when one reads them, one gets most of what the novels were trying to say. However, having missed the entire run of TDOTT in comic form, I dunno if they've omitted

We can agree to disagree, which is fine. I just appreciate the reasoned explanation, rather than the insinuation that my issue with the casting is based on a racist bent. Thanks for that.

You're a poor translator. Or you have trouble with reading comprehension. *LOL*

One more thing: What're your thoughts on Daniel Craig playing Alex Cross?

"Hush money"? *LMAO* Uh, no. He received a bunch of money selling the rights to the novels. You think he's gonna publicly denounce the casting now that the movies are FINALLY happening? If so, you're delusional. By the way, I should've specified: Have you read the NOVELS or the COMIC BOOKS? It just doesn't seem

Money talks…