Michael Sailor

Then you know that Susannah (Odetta) doesn't trust Roland or Eddie because of the color of their skin. She must overcome these prejudices in order to become the gunslinger she eventually becomes. Her transformation eventually makes her the most powerful character in the story.

Okay, I give it to you, that was genuinely funny. *L*

Nope, you're still not QUITE there. C'mon, I believe in you! Just keep repeating "substance… substance…"

Oh, I see what you did there, with the implication I'm a racist because I said the truth wasn't racist! Ha, very clever! Very clever, indeed! Keep up the good work and eventually you may add something of substance to the conversation. It'll probably be completely by accident if you DO, but they say give a monkey a

Because Red's race wasn't a core dynamic of the story.


Have you read the books?

Wonder how many people would lose their minds if a white man were cast as Alex Cross. Oh, sure, there'll be responses of "I wouldn't mind" and "So what", but if it actually happened, as it has with Roland of Gilead, people would be up in arms and screaming "Whitewashing!"

It astounds me how you can agree with this casting, then.

The ending makes total sense, if you paid attention to the story (not accusing you, friend, and I'd be happy to tell you why if you ask). :)

Yes, it does. I've read the Dark Tower series twice. Maybe you should either reread it, or read it, because a black Roland drastically changes the character and the dynamic of the core characters. If this were to work, they'd need to make Eddie a black man, as well, and Susannah a white woman.

Loved the books, but I will NEVER watch the movies. A black Roland changes the dynamic of the entire ka-tet. That's not racist, it's the simple truth.

Typical of AVC: Whine and cry about the show, but watch, anyway.