
That's brilliant.

Aw, but Tina's my girl.


Forget that, I'll take immediate revenge and clock you with my fancy gettin married shoe.

He's new to me. What a cutie.

Those cheeks, though!

Bears repeating: especially Philly cats. Most of them are just waiting for an excuse.

That was a very funny and enlightening episode.

Tell it.

You do you, Minnie.

Are you hiding spoilers for a play from 1597?!!!


You are wrong for making me laugh. You should be ashamed.

Becky and Biff. I just spit out my soda.

That's just it. I wouldn't get into the elevator with Hopkins' Hannibal—he's so clearly creepy. The other two present as fairly normal—Cox's Hannibal is holding the door for you and Mikkelsen is so hot you'd follow him anywhere. Those two are the real danger.

I don't know that he's the worst but I definitely preferred Cox's Hannibal. Compared to Cox, Hopkins seems too obvious. Mikkelsen seems like a completely different character.

She has that kind of face.

That is some world-class petty! Love it. Love everything about it.

This post would be funnier if I knew what trap music was. Yeah, I'm that bougie and I'm old enough not to care that I am.

That's it exactly.