
This would be a lot scarier if you could see it. Turn on a freakin' light, people!

He's aging well,isn't he?

Speaking of Buffy did you notice that the Lorian king was Leonard Roberts, Forrest from The Initiative?

From your lips to God's ears.

That would have been a wonderful send-off for that character. When I re-write Buffy in my head, that's when she leaves. Also, Buffy kills Spike at the end of Fool for Love.

That line, right there, made me Buffy fan for life. She sells that line like nobody's business.

Bad writing explains a lot about seasons six and seven.

I'm firmly in the "Should have ended with Season 5" club.

There are several actors who all vaguely resemble each other. Eastwood and Hedlund are actually more nondescript than the rest of them.

But we do. The studio and the actor decide which award to submit a nomination for and they will often hedge their bets by going for best supporting if the best field is too crowded. Paramount and Ms. Davis chose to submit her for best supporting actress thinking she'd have a better chance of winning that than best

Wait, he's in Hidden Figures, too? Be right back.

Oh I thought she was terrific. All the performances blew me away.

That song was a great choice. The Aretha Franklin tune that is playing just before it (One Step Ahead) is one of my favorites.

The writing is wonderful. Every line rings true.

It's not an ugly cry movie—more silent tears. At least, that was my experience.

It is all the critics say it is and more. This movie is a revelation. I saw it last night and I've been thinking about it all day.

Yes! I love that universe. Give me more.

Yeah, it took me about an episode and a half to get over Michael Douglas and welcome the new guy.

Uh huh.
