
1) You don't know what they disabled off-screen!
2) Yeah, well it was David. Remember the brainpower level here.
3) They have to explain or else… even more confusion.
4) No, he just thinks that's what being a hero is.
5) I thought that too! But, you know, Henry above all else, right?
6) Okay, mean. He's just a kid, cut him

Well now I do, and really? Wow that's lame.

Edit maybe?

It was different. Snow and Charming did it so Emma could save everyone, and so she wouldn't be cursed. They did it to give Emma her best chance.
Cora gave Zelena up to give Cora her best chance. Much worse. And while parents do have a right to think about themselves, risking (or trading) the life of their child for

About the name thing - they were talking about how they didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, but they're in Storybrooke. They should have ultrasounds, shouldn't they?

It appears that magical baby Zelena summoned it.

Regina has teleported like that before.

Emma: Well, you did kill a guy and spend a while trying to convince Henry he was crazy

Maybe but she doesn't love him

1. Yeah… or maybe she rescued Blackbeard and made him tell her.
2. Ariel probably killed them. Or there weren't any, it wasn't like he could escape. He's not a merman.
3. He said he was planning to later, but changed his plan to prove Hook wasn't a pirate.
4. It was 3 months after they arrived in the EF.
5. If he died,

The original is great, as is this one. No need for haters here.

Jafar killed the other son

1) Yeah, Smee's dumb
2) Well, no, but when the person they owe looks like Ariel… unsurprising that they would help her, leading her to believe there is a code.
3) A change of clothes. Probably in order. And I don't think she went to a salon… just brushed her hair. I know, dumb.
4) Either she's just really distracted… or

Actually, he's been dead 2 days.

Near-permanent frown? Really? I don't even think that's her fault - some people's mouths just naturally turn downward.

I actually liked the driving bit… irresponsible, but funny.
Also loved Emma saying "We just checked in on them, on… Skype"
Henry is so clueless to not notice the tone of her voice.
But seriously, Hook and Emma are so wrong for each other. I never liked them as a couple, though now I kind of do want him to kiss her,

The show never said? Ever heard of drawing your own conclusions? Are you really one of those people who needs everything spelled out for you?

I know, right? I was thinking "Why give up their adventures for a quiet life in Victorian England?" And they told Will and Ana they'd visit!

In your opinion.

Um… her heart? That's a horcrux now? Maybe re-read the books.