John Allen

To her credit, the actress who plays Skye is super attractive. Maybe they all like her so much because they want to bone her?

I was glad to see that SHIELD agents have gun control approved seven (or was it six) shot magazines. No reason why you would need more than that up going against a metal sheathed cyborg with multiple weapons.

Doesn't Captain America get shot with an energy weapon in The Avengers? The scene where Thor helps him up and says something about is he ready to keep fighting? And isn't that what his shield is for? He would have been hit multiple times if it weren't for the shield.

Canada is in North America. It's America's hat!

The real issue here is the theme song. Do they go with the original "…and the rest" or do they go full "The Professor and Mary Ann."

Somewhere in the South Pacific, in a world they never made, seven loose cannon, fish-out-of-water castaways are about to experience the adventure of a lifetime.

I wasn't there but the story I got from his wife was that he was hiking at night high on acid, and walked a little too close to the edge of the trail. He told me he liked to "fry" when hiking, and said once he did it on 11 hits of acid. As a "Fellow-traveler," I worked out, that by the standards of the time, that was

Oddly enough, I actually knew a man who died that way. (True story)

"Did you hear about Pluto? That's messed up!"

How is this going to affect the new Archie Movie Universe spin-offs, a la the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When Oliver put on the Green Arrow mask, I said aloud, "What's this? Did they get another actor to play Oliver? He looks completely different!

My wife is a nurse and despite my enthusiastic entreaties doesn't watch the show, but she caught that scene and scoffed at how poorly Diggle was doing CPR. I think Arrow lost her in that moment.

What kind of punishment is that? You limp wristed Liberals couldn't break an egg!

Why is that shows like Hannibal, or Breaking Bad - or even Justified for goodness sake - look so much better than the vast majority of movies these days?

They really were "In a world they never made."

They'll go back to the "24 Hour Oliver Queen and his families shenanigans" channel

There are roughly three types of superheros: Godlike - Superman, Thor, Hulk. Middling - Spiderman, Daredevil, Luke Cage. Unpowered - Batman, Hawkeye, Arrow. As long as they don't go above Middling, I'm in.

I don't know what they did to Felicity last night, but she looked radiant, even in techno geek mode. And when they did the reveal of her at Moira's party, she looked so gorgeous I ran the show back so I could see her again. I've always thought she was the sexiest woman on Arrow, but last night she blew the rest of the

Has the reviewer ever had a real job? Office romances are part and parcel of the workplace.

You people are a bunch of whiners. This is the story of a street smart fish out of water in a world he never made, and a loose cannon cop who gets results despite his stupid chief. Where are the tropes in that?