John Allen

As soon as they showed the undercover officers captain, I turned to my wife and said "There's the bad guy." And no, I don't consider that any great accomplishment on myself or the shows part.

Don't criticize the title card info dump: It gets results!

She's Asian! They have ways we don't understand!

CCH Pounder is a recurring character on "Sons of Anarchy." Maybe she wasn't available.

Wouldn't he be…MALCOLM'S FATHER! Mind=blown.

That WAS hilarious. I swear that during the shootout, there were a couple of guys in the background just leaning against the wall and barely paying attention.

I find that the less clothes Skye has on, the more interested I am in this show. Let's have lots more scenes of her: Lounging by a pool in a bikini, being surprised as she is coming out of the shower, having her clothes comically shredded in an explosion, being attacked and mauled by a pack of wild dogs. If that's too

They say that when you're at the top, if you hang your head you can hear "Tekeli-li, Tekeli-li" carried softly on the wind.

Obviously, none of you saw last night's episode of "The Walking Dead," where Rick and Carl settled their differences and once again bonded by mowing down dozens of zombies with a heavy dose of automatic rifles. Heartwarming!

"Get Crazy" is all you need. The man talks to his penis, for gosh sakes!

This episode should get a higher grade for the simple fact that it concentrated on Scott Wilson's Hershel, and he is by far the best actor on this show. Plus, machine gun zombie attack!

Her In her underwear made me not notice the bad CGI.

I work for a network affiliate, and we received an email today about faking the EBS signal. It's nice to know where that came from.

..Encephalitis Lethargica, Painful Rectal Itch, and Defenestration…

I thought Danny Kaye was Olivier's widow?

This movie introduced Megadeth's "Angry Again." It goes on the classic pile for that fact alone.


Great call. This movie is so good it's scary. Kurosawa is one of the great visionary stylists among directors, and this is his masterpiece.

That handful of legal files she was carrying was very important! It was worth a man's life! Seriously, my favorite part of the whole "Tommy dies," scene was how, after he picks up the concrete that's pinning her down, she sprints out of the building without even a glance behind her to see if he's O.K.

How can you be so mean about Laurel? Haven't you seen what she's been through? Her whining about how lousy a time she's having is comical compared to all the bad things that have happened to other people on the show.