John Allen

The ending to "the Pit and the Pendulum" is one of the best horror movie endings ever. The greatest use of Barbara Steele's bizarre eyes ever put on film.

Forget it, Fivestarfinal. It's the A.V. club.

He was referring to anal sex. So no.

Yeah. I'm not the biggest Barker fan, but Dread is a damn near perfect horror story.

The Mulholland Drive clip reminded me of the ending of Clive Barker's Dread, (the story, not the terrible movie). To know your death is coming - and how - but being absolutely unable to do anything about it is one of the most terrifying things imaginable. As far as movies go though, I'd have to vote for the "Nurse in

Arnis De Mano is a Filipino martial art that emphasizes stick fighting. The more you know…

To those of us who aren't "Trendies", Parkour will always be cool. And it is probably one of the best skills a vigilante could have.

Internet be damned! The shots of Skye in her tiny underwear was the only time in the episode I perked up and paid full attention to the TV.

Remember Soylent Green? They had these big dump trucks with a bulldozer blade on the front. Rig up something like that (I'd bet Darryl could do it, because the Neo-Nazi redneck is the smartest one on this show), and scoop them into the back - which could be fitted with spikes, then take them a few miles away and dump

I thought "Parts- The Clonus Horror," was how we got "The Island."

Nick? He died? Damn, I was hoping he'd make it!

They had to get rid of all the pigs anyway. Herschel said pigs and birds were what spread the flu. So, no bacon and no Squab.

What's next? I vote for "Jawing about Justified."

The Talking Heads on the Talking dead? Mind=blown!

Robert E. Howard would have been a good one to add to this list. With the pastiches, comics, movies, etc. about Conan, there must be 1000 times as much written about his barbarian adventurer than he wrote.

She's brilliant. And she's a coward. She's a brilliant coward.

I saw this movie and found it to be an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride that kept me on the edge of my seat!

When they all get out of their vehicles, I like to think that they're going over to beat the singer up for making a bad situation worse.

Headin' off to Eden. Yeaaah, brother!

Yeah, make it like "The Prisoner." Hey Prisoner Dude… "I am not a number, I am a horse groomer!"