John Allen

Except he told trump 3 times he wasn't under investigation

I just watched Riders To The Stars yesterday, and it looked like she was in her early twenties. Yowza!

I'm leading this revolt, because on this train we need to obey the law of thermo-dynamics.

Tee Hee. Hindsight.

They should have cut to scenes of May throughout the episode, and each time she would be using a different form of locomotion. Riding a moose, using a dog sled team, sliding down a hill on top of an avalanche, tethering two eagles together to fly over a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, being chucked by a woodchuck,

I hope they turn Dink Slabmeat into Modok.

If there are any strengths in "The Beast of Yucca Flats," I'd appreciate if someone would point them out.

Nice callback to the scene in "The Beastmaster," where the unborn Dar is magically transported from his mother's womb to a cow's, thus giving him the power to communicate with animals. I'm sure that's exactly what they were going for.

I shall come to you in the night and we shall see who is stronger —
a little girl who won't eat her dinner or a great big man with cocaine
in his veins.
— Sigmund Freud

You are the angel of death… the time for cleansing is at hand - The voice in your head.

They will show the "Nooooo" scene, but then one of the other characters will come up, hit the corpse in the chest with the side of their fist and say "Live, damn you! Live!"

I noticed that, too. It's too bad the show can't be judged on it's own merits, without having to compare it to what's come before.

Agent Chunk Beefsteak!

A joke? Get real! He just successfully resurrected Tonto on the big screen. (sarcasm intended.)

What percentage of her breasteses will we get to see?

I have a hard time believing it's just her. She was fine on Supernatural, playing an (admittedly) limited character. But isn't it part of the director's job to get the best performance out of her? I know TV works on a much faster schedule than movies, but they still do retakes. Maybe she just needs a strong hand to

Yeah, but math can be really hard!

Wouldn't the police look pretty silly keeping Officer Lance in custody after it turned out that the man he brought in actually was the kidnapper? I would think that someone would get fired for that mistake.

A tragic misreading of the plot by our reviewer. Moira's not surging in the polls because Thea was kidnapped. It just took this long for her "Swimming Lessons" initiative to gain traction.

Brad Dourif's role reminded me of the time Michael Ironside was on Burn Notice and they blew him up two minutes in. At least Justified had the sense to use him for an entire episode..