@tophersouth:disqus What are your thoughts on Arrow season 5 thus far?
@tophersouth:disqus What are your thoughts on Arrow season 5 thus far?
Hope wasn't going to stop a giant mushroom cloud from destroying the city.
Wait; so you would rather have Barry stay in an alternate fantasy where he loses all his powers and memories of his past, instead going back the present time where things aren't perfect, but he still remembers who he is and what he's fought for? Your logic makes no sense.
Merve, Not sure what episode you watched, but there was an end scene where he *finally* visits his mother's grave. He even said in the scene that Joe encouraged him to come to his mom's grave all the time, but he refused until that point.. Do you think he would have visited his mom's grave if there wasn't the…
Worst acted and scripted episode in the entire series? What about the first several episodes of the Flash? Or Reverse Flash Returns? Or the episode with Hannibal Bates?
I've actually been catching up on Rebels, and I ran into this review/checked out comments. I saw your post and was legitimately curious about your comment. Don't get ahead of yourself just because we had some silly dispute.
This is a good series? Aren't you the one who said in many of your past posts that the show was bad? You even said Rebels can't be called good when "half the episodes are garbage or filler".
@Tiplar, what do you mean? Star Wars Rebels has been strong over the past four episodes.
I know I'm way late on this comment, but I just started watching the show and finished season 2 lately. What made character motivations in season 2 a terrible mess with non believable characters? Season 2 wasn't perfect, but this is something I don't agree on.
You don't feel like this season has been consistently good? Yes there were some weak episodes, but the show has been keeping a decent momentum in quality as of lately. And even in Clone War's best seasons, not every episode was a home run.
Most blockbuster movies have always sucked. And even then there are always good ones.
What was wrong with this episode exactly?
Being jealous is part of Mon El's character, so it's not a typical trope. James was way more guilty of that last season. Remember when Barry Allen came over to talk with Supergirl, and James was acting agitated and annoyed for another guy being around?
No. Mon El is reforming because he actually wants to be a better person. He even said this in a previous episode.
People complain about Mon El in this episode, but his reaction to Mr. Mxyzptlk was completely in character. While I do wish the episode did focus more on the villain, I'm glad Mon El's jealousy was used to develop his character. This is especially true at the end when he said life was easier when he objectified…
A playstation game from 2002? Either you're trolling, or you need to get your eyes checked.
I've been busy, so I forgot to respond back at an earlier time. That's life. Anyways, an email response I got back from you via this site said, "B- is basically the gentleman's D. Kevin is too nice to give a D to anything but the Chopper-centric episode, because he really hates Chopper." You may have edited, but…
B- isn't a below average grade nor the gentlemen's D. If Kevin disliked it more, he would have said so. Honestly, it just sounds like you want his score to be lower just because you hated it yourself.
"Uh, last weeks was widely regarded to be garbage". I checked episode reviews, and they range from positive to mixed. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
You've had since season one to "observe" the animation, and you're complaining about it now?