Sorry for calling you stupid. But yes; this season wasn't well-written.
Sorry for calling you stupid. But yes; this season wasn't well-written.
Did you get my apology? I don't know why my replies haven't been showing up. :( I was wrong for my response.
You getting my messages? For some reason, the last one I posted didn't show up.
@alanhk:disqus What other choice did he have than staying in Flashpoint and losing memories of his former life?
@antmoose:disqus, Hey; sorry for being rude the other week. I guess I just wasn't in the best mood when replying to your post. I'm not saying that's an excuse for my behavior; I'm just giving a reason for me responding harshly. In retrospect, this episode wasn't very tightly written, which is something The Flash…
@alanhk:disqus, Barry's mother being murdered, was the only way that Barry got to live the life he did in the normal timeline, even with all the hardships. If Barry allows Thawne to remurder his mother (which he did), then he's come to the realization that the life he's living is just a false reality. Thawne warned…
l@alanhk:disqus Barry re-enabled his mother's death, because he was losing memories of the past life. In other words, he didn't want to forget what he had been fighting for. Why do people ignore this?
Ok, I was pretty harsh, sorry; but yes, I agree. This has been a poorly written season full of plot holes. I even had to force myself to watch it at times, just so I don't fall behind the Arrowverse. I hope season 4 is a turning point.
@TokenCommenter:disqus People predicted that fake Wells was Thawne months before the huge reveal.
@alcibiades232:disqus, Are you stupid? If Iris was put in Argus, Savitar would just find a way around it, because he's always one step ahead. There's complaining about bad writing, and then there's bitching for the sake of bitching.
The evil Barry might be a meta, but the suit isn't meta powered. It's mechanical. Why the hell would Iris being placed in Argus make a difference? This doesn't have to do with the writing. It has to do with what people think would work, but it wouldn't.
I like how people rarely tore apart the logic for the Flash season one, when there were *plenty* of logical inconsitences and bad writing choices. That baffles me.
@MeatyStakes:disqus, season one and two of Arrow had their issues too. They were far from perfect. If you have a problem with people "creaming their pants" over Arrow season 5, then there should also be the same issue with the flaws of the first two seasons of Arrow.
@disqus_w0KCWtuQRS:disqus , "Well said! And shows like Arrow and The Flash don't deal with the loneliness and isolation that comes with being a superhero." - Have you even watched Arrow?
"I've become convinced that the writers of Flash are pathologically incapable of doing well by their female characters." - What about Gypsy?
"Why would Future Barry need Present Barry to tell him "Iris wouldn't want you to turn out like this" before he decided to snap back into hero mode? Wouldn't there have been at least one person in all those years who could have told him the same thing, if he hadn't been able to reach the same conclusion on his own?"
"The CW really is designed for young people. If tragedy strikes, just never get over it and give up on life for at least 7 years." - You're taking this fictional show way too damn seriously.
Have any of you been watching Arrow season 5? I'm not quite caught up yet, so please no spoilers past episode 13. But anyways, I find it to be quite good. I feel like the writers have learned their lesson.