John Johnson

I was a part of a forum where we listed our favorites of the year. I recall having a difficult time deciding whether I wanted to place Homeland, BB or Justified as my number one of that year and was even considering putting that half season of FNL as one as a farewell type of thing. I also remember it so well because

I will admit that I've never been a huge fan of the show. Season 1, especially the second half, was as close as this show ever got to great. (I believe I had it as my fifth best show of 2011, after the first season of Homeland, the second season of Justified, the fourth season of Breaking Bad and the second half of

I actually semi liked Digger. He and Lorelai had a solid back and forth. All the other boyfriends seemed meek next to her. But he did feel too much like just another thing to keep friction between Lorelai and Emily. So, he never got a proper fleshing out.

Not everything needs to be made into social politics. People with sense and calm egos look to defend extreme cluster b personalities too often nowadays. They're both rich, sad, manipulative, desperate douches. Rob even more so. And now we move on.

That's a bit of a reach. It's well known that Kim signed off on that video getting "leaked".

Hollywood closet cases don't behave like Mr Franco. He comes off like a classic cluster-b megalomaniac who's obsessed with different experiences and "energies". So, he's probably done some "stuff" with dudes, though his inherent attractions likely sway towards women. However, men, women, cactus- it's all probably

So, I guess you couldn't keep up the act. Better luck next time. Moving on now.

Just ignore the bathrooms where there's a fat old man in short-shorts lingering outside.

Cheer on!

Nah, I'm just good at deciphering the obvious, not being naive and not looking for famous and semi famous people to validate my sense of self.

Using identity and non-conformist attitudes to initially gain a base and some buzz has been going on for decades in music. Not saying this is what this dude is doing, but it's more likely than not. And I don't think you understand the mentality of many megalomaniacs and narcissists.

I'm making three distinctions: raping people is bad, using your power and popularity to abuse people is bad and identifying as something you're not is bad. Get it? Also, I'm very aware that anyone can be a rapist.

Yeah, that's clearly not what I wrote. But since some only want to see what they wish… My post can be summed up as: stop worshiping false idols and looking for self-validation from poor sources.

Sexual behavior, sexual preference and sexual orientation (inherent sexual attraction) are three different things. Some people have homo orientations but bisexual preferences, hetero orientation but bisexual preferences, queer orientation but homo preferences, homo orientation but queer preferences etc. What can be

Get ready for the queer-gendered and queer-gender protectors to attack.

I hardly consider myself "caught up" in anything because I haven't paid any attention to this band up until two days ago. But a record label isn't gonna immediately drop an act unless they have a real idea of what happened. And the guy didn't actually flat out deny the allegations. Ultimately, this was a business

What I've learned over the years is that the people most desperate to represent a specialty group are often the ones most full of it or at least the most narcissistic and self-interested. I hate that I've become that cynical, but I've seen too much go down both on a celebrity front and in my personal life. But come

Considering the reviews/hype for The Handmaid's Tale that's not the most ridiculous thought in the world.

The revival had some inspired moments, but it mostly reminded me of what I found most frustrating about the last couple seasons. Every other scene left me thinking, "Does Amy think we would really care about that?" or "Did she think we would find that nonsense charming?"

Love this woman forever. The Gilmore girls revival (deservedly) had a mixed reception, but she proved she still has the comedic magic.