I suppose that when you reach retirement age, you're going to return your Social Security checks.
I suppose that when you reach retirement age, you're going to return your Social Security checks.
You should have sold short
A recession that was caused by the Republicans and exacerbated by the Republican refusal to do anything about it.
No. Wikileaks is (in practice if not by open admission) a mouthpiece for the Russian government, and Putin made it clear that he would much rather have Trump as president, presumably because he's in a much better position to blackmail Trump than to blackmail Clinton.
They actually stole that bit from a 1968 episode of Laugh-In in which their "news from 20 years in the future" segment began with Dan Rowan reading, "President Ronald Reagan" [big laugh]
Upvoted because now at least I can take comfort in the knowledge that there's at least one person out there besides me who has read Chesterton.
And that will just make his followers even more ready to turn the USA into a fascist dictatorship.
Now that you mention it, it's kind of interesting how the Republican party has spent the last generation in a concerted and not entirely unsuccessful effort to make Nixon look good.
Don't blame me - I voted for Adlai Stevenson.
And he was a much better singer than Trump is.
We were there for years trying to elect people to Congress who understood the difficulties of "blue collar whites" in particular and the classes left behind by the changing economy in general, and would adopt policies designed to help them. Instead, we got a gerrymandered House of Representatives that had a majority…
If there is a next election.
Theoretically, he could propose a economic plan that would lead to the creation of more jobs. You know, kind of like a less watered down version of the plan that Obama implemented, and the plans to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure that the Democrats proposed, or even raising the minimum wage (yes, raising…
But with less smoking, thank heavens.
Yes, it seems that the Libertarians got a lot more votes than the Green Party did.
Well, someone has to make up for the vacuum (the rather large vacuum, admittedly) left when Gerard Depardieu moved to Russia. . .
Ditto ditto — I'm using a Disqus account, which means that I'll never know whether anyone responded to any of these posts. And here I was just thinking that it was casual anti-Semitism.
The next time that Florida wants to secede, I say, "Let them."
How? It looks like the Republicans will have a majority of the House. And even if he's impeached, it's unlikely that the Senate (which appears to be retaining its Republican majority) will convict him.